Being someone who unonowingly destroyed their feet, this hurts to watch. Would putting socks on the kid help? Putting your toes in unnatural positions can cause serious damage in the long run. I know babies are more flexible and this is probably not an issue, but it honestly makes me cringe.
‘Mum, look, it’s broken! No, look – see, it can bend all the way to the side! No, look! I need a Dr! No-stop-I’m trying to show you-no! Look, it bends the wrong-ahhhhh stop moving my foot so I can show youuuuuu’
On a serious note… I know babies are flexible but dang, that does not look natural!!
This child is trying to evolve opposable toes right in front of our eyes and we call it stubborn. Look at what opposable thumbs did for us! Imagine the potential!
It’s weird but I get it. I still do this with my own toes. I sometimes curl them under my feet, or I’ll curl only the first four and my big toes are sticking out, so it’s like they’re doing the splits? I know, it’s weird but it feels like if and when I don’t do it, it’s physically uncomfortable. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a tension/stretch thing.
It’s fine. Babies still bend every which way. You would be able to as well if not for tendons and muscles that have tightened over time. The act of balancing on our feet develops the muscles and tendons in the feet especially near the little toe. The little toe is very important in balancing so infants who can’t stand yet haven’t developed the muscles enough to limit their flexibility.
Awww, someone wants to wear socks until they form a general understanding of language… yes they do!
At first a thought this was a gif
This pains me to watch
Now I’ve got to try. Looks kinda uncomfortable but you never know.
Edit: Tried it. Overrated af.
Interesting. Might reflect baby’s position in the womb, child is just getting back to comfy position. Maybe tummy time will help break habit.
I mean, he’s got a point, who needs five toes? Three seems enough, four’s plenty!
This belongs in r/kidsarefuckingstupid
Being someone who unonowingly destroyed their feet, this hurts to watch. Would putting socks on the kid help? Putting your toes in unnatural positions can cause serious damage in the long run. I know babies are more flexible and this is probably not an issue, but it honestly makes me cringe.
As a father of two teens, I can assure you all that the behavior doesn’t change, just the size of the child.
Ewwww stop 🤢
‘Mum, look, it’s broken! No, look – see, it can bend all the way to the side! No, look! I need a Dr! No-stop-I’m trying to show you-no! Look, it bends the wrong-ahhhhh stop moving my foot so I can show youuuuuu’
On a serious note… I know babies are flexible but dang, that does not look natural!!
it’s just starting, It’s a life long struggle raising kids.
I think someone is maybe moving the baby’s right leg.
How is the baby’s pinky toe not broken lol
babies are rubber.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
My brother had this problem and my mum would tickle his foot to snap him out of it
Which one is the stubborn one?
ah yes, terrible toes period.
My Dyslexia made me read this as “stillborn baby” and I thought WTF!
Duck tape should help
Oh I hate this. Imagine getting deformed permanantly because your baby self “was a bit more comfortable”
This child is trying to evolve opposable toes right in front of our eyes and we call it stubborn. Look at what opposable thumbs did for us! Imagine the potential!
Do…do babies not have bones? Are they just squish until like 1 year old or something?
There’s a reason you can’t see the baby’s thigh. Someone is pulling that baby’s leg… And ours.
Mom says: wouldn’t this be uncomfortable for your pinky toe?
In case you wondered
Stop it baby your freaking me out!
I winced each and every time
This made me wildly uncomfortable
I read this as stillborn baby and saw it was on r/funny and was a bit mortified.
He prefers it broken!
It’s weird but I get it. I still do this with my own toes. I sometimes curl them under my feet, or I’ll curl only the first four and my big toes are sticking out, so it’s like they’re doing the splits? I know, it’s weird but it feels like if and when I don’t do it, it’s physically uncomfortable. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just a tension/stretch thing.
It’s fine. Babies still bend every which way. You would be able to as well if not for tendons and muscles that have tightened over time. The act of balancing on our feet develops the muscles and tendons in the feet especially near the little toe. The little toe is very important in balancing so infants who can’t stand yet haven’t developed the muscles enough to limit their flexibility.
Is there a medical person who can explain wtf
This is mildly infuriating to me.
Time to float that one down the Guanchang and make another.
Hahaha fuck you
*fractures bone *
Babies are bendy.
At this fucking point I would’ve taped his toes together
I’m so angry that this will be in my brain for the rest of my life. I wanna report this somehow.
Bruh… he trying to evolve just leaves him be.
How about putting socks on the kid.
You either tie it up or cut it off, no in between.
After some years : Mum why’s my little toe pointed 90°