Monday, March 17All That Matters

Stray (catview) – VideoGameDunky


  • I had that very same Knack quote going through my head whilst I was playing the game yesterday, I knew Dunkey would comment on it. Overall I’m really enjoying it though.

  • It is interesting to me how many people actually need no other hook than playing as a cat. Wonder if we’ll see a bunch of other cute animal games trying to capitalize on that interest.

  • Dunkey ain’t wrong. But the game does have a good story and the world itself is just gorgeous. If the devs can do more with that universe then I am excited to see where they take it.

    But yeah, gimme more cat stuff to do next time.

  • He is on point on this one. Game is cute, *obviously*. The presentation and design are great. And the gameplay potential of playing as a cat is certainly vast. The reality though, is that the gameplay does not come anywhere near fulfilling that potential. The whole point of being a cat for me was the mobility, which could have enabled amazing levels of exploration. The first thing I tried was seeing how high I could climb, and how my curiosity was gonna be rewarded…

    But alas it was as linear as FF XIII. Good thing is that the potential is going nowhere; this is their first game; it is a commercial success, and the devs must have plenty of feedback by now, so expecting a vastly upgraded sequel is certainly a hope.

  • Stray is a great game for a casual gamer like myself. There is a gorgeous, immersive world that’s super fun to explore. It’s not too confusing, even without a minimap. And there’s a lot of ‘gimmicks’ (like jumping in boxes or knocking things from shelves) that start to wear thin around the 5 hour mark.. which is when the game comes to it’s end anyway.

    Also, it was free for me with my PS Subscription – so I’m damn happy about it.

    The game does have bugs, and there’s a few creative choices that hurt the flow – notably the dialogue boxes.

    I would love to see more of the world. Not through the view of a cat, per say – but perhaps a prequel RPG through the eyes of B-12 in the before-times.

  • I’m disappointed with the ending.

    >!At the beginning of the game you get separated from your friends. The ending could have shown you getting back together with them but instead you walk outside the city and that’s it. There wasn’t any closure on that end.!<

    Edit: I did a much more detailed review here. []( But the gist of it is: >!They do too much handholding at the beginning, but not enough for the rest of the game, I got lost a few times. There are so many spots where you can chill that you have to ignore them in order to make any progress but then in some spots they force you to do them. They force you to do something they trained you to ignore so it ends up being the last thing you try out of desperation. You can’t just tap a button to get through the dialog. The last piece of dialog requires you to press a different button and there’s no indication that it’s the last bit. So you have to spam 2 buttons. There’s no skip cutscene button. No photo mode. The cat’s movements are wonky AF which dunkey also showed. They curse one time but it’s censored. !<

  • It’s a game with basically one unique idea. The gaming aspects were stripped out to make a more accessible walking simulator. ‘If this game wasn’t about a cat would anyone care? No.’ And that basically says it all.

  • The Devs said that they originally had the cat be controlled in a more traditional platforming type way, but having players miss jumps and stuff didn’t feel very cat like.

  • As a cat person I absolutely loved the game and still like running around, scratching things, and napping. It’s a very zen-game where you don’t really worry about objectives and are just a cat. I would’ve loved some multiplayer though so my friends and I could roll around like a gang in this amazing environment.

  • I only have two real complaints about the game.

    1. The price is too high for what it is. I really feel like if you can get this during a Steam Sale for $15 you will like it more.
    2. It feels pretty damn linear. Even the areas you get to explore it often feels like the paths are just there to get you to an objective, or in certain spots a collectible.

    I enjoyed my time playing it otherwise.

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