TIL Honey Badgers aren’t just tough badasses, they can also be exceptionally clever.
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TIL Honey Badgers aren’t just tough badasses, they can also be exceptionally clever.
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That cement enclosure reminds me of the Velociraptor cage in one of the Jurassic Park movies
[Stoffel don’t care. Stoffel don’t give a shit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg)
At what point has Stoffel earned his freedom?
Big X
The one with the sharper ~~claws~~ brain wins 🦡
I love stoffels! My in-laws late dog went by stoffels because he was also insanely smart (Jack Russell).
Man, free that honey badger.
He’s more than earned it!
I would watch the shit out of Stoffel excaping top 10 solidary confinement penitentiaries
Escape room champ!
Good boy!
I had to dig into this. This was from 2013-14. Stoffel is still alive and enjoying life at 26 years of age.
i feel like they could just put a big net on the top of the enclosure to keep him from getting out
Me and my wife call our Corgi “Stoffel” when he gets crazy. We rub his back and say “give me them gremblins” and he makes Stoffel noises.
When I first glanced at the title I thought this was a video with ex-F1 driver Stoffel van Doorn and current driver Daniel, the “honey badger,” Riccardo.
So rather than making a simple locking bar for the original gate, he spent much more time, effort and money to build an open topped, concrete pen that was even easier to escape from.
[Honey Badgers-Masters of Mayhem](https://www.pbs.org/video/nature-honey-badgers-masters-mayhem/). Full Stoffel documentary (face it, he’s the star) PBS, could be geo-locked
Edit: also available on [Daily Motion](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5wy673)
I’m sure Stoffel is smart but they didn’t exactly try very hard to stop him. Oh, look! He used a rake to get out. Let’s leave a broom and shovel in there too! He won’t think of using those!
Obviously set up for comedic effect and a good story.
What an absolute legend!!!
Got to see Stoffel once! He devoured beef chunks like nobody’s business. Maholoholo is certainly worth visiting if you get a chance! Even as a wildlife biologist working in the bush, it’s really cool to see animals up close.
As of 2023, Stoffel is 26 years old!
> Our famous honey badger Stoffel is now 23 years old! For all of you that have met him whether it be volunteering or on a tour, or any of you that have seen him on YouTube we wanted to let you all know that he’s still doing well.
He’s an old boy now and still struggles with his nasel problems but you wouldn’t notice that in his behaviour, except from his more frequent napping! He still loves to get up to mischief with his mate Hammie, loves digging and climbing and of course loves his food.
He’s calmed down on the escape antics and handed this baton over to the younger badgers here who love to outsmart us regularly!
[Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre ](https://www.moholoholo.co.za/) in Limpopo, South Africa