Both women are fantastically talented and naturally beautiful. I’ve see FM perform live but Christine was not touring with them. Truth be told I wish I could’ve said that I’d seen her perform, but now that will never happen.
The 70’s was probably the last decade where you could do whatever you wanted and not get blasted for it — like wear fur coats in public and snort all the cocaine you wanted, and got highly paid for all this, too
This pic hits different after knowing Stevie Nicks used to hide cocaine up her cooch to get through airport security.
Stevie looks like a kid with her mom
Both women are fantastically talented and naturally beautiful. I’ve see FM perform live but Christine was not touring with them. Truth be told I wish I could’ve said that I’d seen her perform, but now that will never happen.
The 70’s was probably the last decade where you could do whatever you wanted and not get blasted for it — like wear fur coats in public and snort all the cocaine you wanted, and got highly paid for all this, too
Had no idea they were furries. Learn something new every day
what a life! rock legends both
That’s actually a young Lars Ulrich on the left.
Gakked to the gills
Huh. That is what all the fuss is about?
Reminds me of Cheech and Chong
Stevie looks like she has a bit of a moustache.
“Those are not the buds you’re looking for…”
I thought that was Yngwie Malmsteen on the right
Stoned to the bone
That was back when Stevie was a midget!
They did all the cocaine.
Back then Stevie had a side gig where she played the lead in “Oliver!”
I don’t recognize SN…. at all. She looks like a different person completely.
These tulips are for you.
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
The one on the right looks like Noel Fielding!
Watched Fleetwood Mac in 1977 I guess it was there peak of powers promoting the classic Rumours album ♥️
dam stevie was a cutie
Nice coke, I mean coat
They look like a 70s mother and son on their way to the kid’s first concert