October 22, 2023 by DeadWinterDays9 Steven Spielberg going shark riding on the set of Jaws in 1975 [ad_2] View Reddit by DeadWinterDays9 – View Source
Lol someone put this on twitter and @ peta saying shark hunter riding his catch. let’s grab some popcorn while the comments start October 22, 2023 at 6:13 pm Reply
If you didn’t write that this was Steven Spielberg I WOULD never guess who he is. He looks so different now October 22, 2023 at 7:25 pm Reply
Spielburg sitting atop Bruce, named after his attorney. The story goes, there was fair bit of malfuntion with this mechanical beast. October 22, 2023 at 7:55 pm Reply
Now I understand why John Williams referred to Spielberg as a “kid” when remembering their first meeting back in the 70s. October 22, 2023 at 8:58 pm Reply
I read the book Jaws 1st,& the movie didn’t do the sharks justice,(by making Her the villain,it started a terrible trend),a slaughtering of the animals almost to the brink of extinction! October 23, 2023 at 1:39 am Reply
The watermark looks like the shark is screaming
Lol someone put this on twitter and @ peta saying shark hunter riding his catch. let’s grab some popcorn while the comments start
The film was released in 1975, filming would have been 1974
CORRECTION: This would have been in 1974
Are those shorts shorts I’m seeing? Someone educate me.
If you didn’t write that this was Steven Spielberg I WOULD never guess who he is. He looks so different now
He looks like my aunt Shirley.
Spielburg sitting atop Bruce, named after his attorney. The story goes, there was fair bit of malfuntion with this mechanical beast.
I have never seen him this young, very good looking fella!
This is that same guy who shot that triceratops. He’s a monster.
Now I understand why John Williams referred to Spielberg as a “kid” when remembering their first meeting back in the 70s.
If Austin Powers was a shark. Those teeth.
Looks like a dangerous stunt. Sharks are unpredictable
Late 90s David Duchovny could’ve played Speilberg
I read the book Jaws 1st,& the movie didn’t do the sharks justice,(by making Her the villain,it started a terrible trend),a slaughtering of the animals almost to the brink of extinction!