Valkyria Chronicles is one of the best games ever made. I bought a PS3 just to play it back in the day. It’s unfortunate that every entry since hasn’t been able to live up to the original.
Motor Storm Pacific Rift! Seeing you have the first one i strongly recommend the second one. Its tons of fun and offers a lot more map variety instead of the same dull deserts
Duno if anyone already said it but you may want to find Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the first sin, instead of the standard. Not only does it have the dlc but a much improved gameplay, ie better enemy placements, weapon placement, ect.
Missed out on the PS3 growing up so I’m going back to experience what I missed. (This is the first time I’ve played a CoD game lol)
Motorstorm is goated.
I’ll recommend the Jak and Daxter Trilogy and the Sly Cooper Trilogy! Months of my childhood were spent playing them.
Oddly enough, they both follow a trend where the 2nd and 3rd games are wildly different from the first. They’re all great nonetheless
Highly recommend Assassins Creed 4 and Fallout New Vegas. Be warned though, NV on PS3 can be a bit chuggy and buggy sometimes.
Final Fantasy XIII and Valkyria Chronicles I applaud!! Fantastic games
Valkyria chronicles
Gotta add Infamous to that, definitely number 1 and then you can get number 2 if you like it
Let’s get Uncharted 3 in there!
You just need dragon age 1/2 then it’s done
Well you have KH 1.5, FFXIII and Uncharted. Great games.
Resident Evil 5 gold edition, get that.
Infamous 1 and 2 are pretty good games you might want to consider checking out whenever you are looking for more stuff to play.
Valkyria Chronicles is one of the best games ever made. I bought a PS3 just to play it back in the day. It’s unfortunate that every entry since hasn’t been able to live up to the original.
Need Infamous
Don’t forget Dead Space and SSX 2012.
God of War 3. It changed video games for me, still pretty much untouched in terms of sheer quality and enjoyment
Motor Storm Pacific Rift! Seeing you have the first one i strongly recommend the second one. Its tons of fun and offers a lot more map variety instead of the same dull deserts
I’ll save you all the wasted hours. Just play Naughty Dog Uncharted series and nothing else. You’re welcome
Motor storm is still one of the best racing games ever created. Pure enjoyment and excellent mechanics. That game needs a rebirth
You should play the “skate” series… Its really a gem on this generation
Motorstorm is sooooo good! There are another 1 or 2 games in the series, also good.
Would recommend Army of Two, also an underrated awesome game.
Big W for kingdom hearts
My brother in Christ. Why don’t I see infamous 1 and 2?
Might I recommend Asura’s Wrath
Add inFamous, Ratchet and Clank Future trilogy, MW2
Valkyria is amazing!
Metal gear solid 4 and the metal gear solid hd collection should definitely be on your list
where’s the last of us?
Duno if anyone already said it but you may want to find Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the first sin, instead of the standard. Not only does it have the dlc but a much improved gameplay, ie better enemy placements, weapon placement, ect.
That’s…a lot of games to play in two weeks. Maybe you should slow down? Get some sleep?
No battlefield 3 and 4?
Damn four Spider Man versions