Friday, March 21All That Matters

Starfield – Angry Review


  • 6/10 is fair imo. I was sort of shocked at how Starfield borrowed so many ideas from games with a fraction of the budget and did absolutely nothing to improve on them. It felt like they bit off more than they could handle and tried to hide that with the endless fast travel. But at least we can build ships we rarely see anyway I guess…

  • I am watching it right now! Man I hadn’t seen a video of his in years and I must say he did make me laugh a couple of times there.

    As with every Bethesda game, you have to wait a couple of years for it to be really complete haha

    I knew Starfield was gonna ship out all broken.

  • “This is the last time Bethesda. Ok, this is the last time. Ok for real, this is the last time.”

    Yeah, that Creation Engine needs to be put down. Every game since at least 2007 has felt 99% the same to me. Just taking baby step improvements while they focus on, things to do I guess.

    Tbh, I think I prefer the UE4 they used to make Outer Worlds over the creation engine. I would have to revist the game though. But even after 100s of hours in bethesda games, I never felt quite in sync playing my character.

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