Gamergate really has provided the new generation of conservative reactionaries with a way to weaponize extremely mundane concepts, if starfield was released before 2014 no one would have batted an eye. But because there’s a lingo behind it now, it’s somehow unacceptable because it’s ‘woke’.
Really, what started as an asinine ‘see the world burn’ trolling attempt on 4chan has become a global regressive movement. It’s pathetic, this whole anti-woke propaganda is making invisible enemies from nothing, gender isn’t your enemy, there are bigger things fucking everyone in the ass right now and for some reason identity is the biggest mission statement for these people.
There are also a couple of Daedric Princes that are essentially non-binary, such as Boethiah, He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases. Apparently, Boethiah is referred to by both male and female pronouns with roughly the same frequency, and some texts go back and forth between the two.
And then there’s Hermaeus Mora, which is just an eldritch horror. Its true pronouns take seven minutes to say, and drive the speaker insane if pronounced correctly.
I’m always reminded of how some people think Metal Gear is right wing when MGS3 has Raikov be Volgin’s gay lover and Raiden fights a bisexual vampire in MGS2 and 4.
GI Joe in the fucking 80’s was talking about working together with people from all walks of life, y’all lost the damn plot.
Are people really mad that it has that option? In Skyrim literally everyone is bisexual, of course you don’t realize it til you put on an amulet of mara and all of the sudden your best mate farkus is like oh so your eligible for marriage? If you aren’t into it don’t choose it. But people need to stop being a dick about other people getting options in games. Btw I proposed to my current wife with an amulet of mara. Hid it under my shirt and she immediately knew what it was and said yes.
Vivec was a god. Nothing false about the power at all.
Pronouns are simply the current boogeymen for the right, give it a couple of months and it will be something else, maybe the color pink or v-necks.
This thread is definitely getting locked…
*Sorts by controversial*
Oh also here before 🔒
**mAnUfAcTuReD oUtRaGe?!?!?!**
I mean describing trans as a magic hermaphrodite is probably the complete opposite of woke
Gamergate really has provided the new generation of conservative reactionaries with a way to weaponize extremely mundane concepts, if starfield was released before 2014 no one would have batted an eye. But because there’s a lingo behind it now, it’s somehow unacceptable because it’s ‘woke’.
Really, what started as an asinine ‘see the world burn’ trolling attempt on 4chan has become a global regressive movement. It’s pathetic, this whole anti-woke propaganda is making invisible enemies from nothing, gender isn’t your enemy, there are bigger things fucking everyone in the ass right now and for some reason identity is the biggest mission statement for these people.
Hey yo fuck Vivec and his poems and his homies for what they did to that boy Nerevar.
There are also a couple of Daedric Princes that are essentially non-binary, such as Boethiah, He-Who-Destroys and She-Who-Erases. Apparently, Boethiah is referred to by both male and female pronouns with roughly the same frequency, and some texts go back and forth between the two.
And then there’s Hermaeus Mora, which is just an eldritch horror. Its true pronouns take seven minutes to say, and drive the speaker insane if pronounced correctly.
Man getting way too OP in Morrowind and taking on Vivek before getting even 20% through the campaign is a video game memory I’ll never forget
It is only game, why you have to be mad?
This is certainly a Reddit post if I’ve ever seen one
Why is OP watching and giving views to youtubers who get mad over pronouns?
Have watched a bunch of videos on youtube about starfield and not one has gotten actually upset.
Why can’t I be a fucking Argnonian? God damn you Starfield.
I don’t get it. In Cyberpunk 2077 and BG3, you can literally make a pre-bottom surgery trans individual.
But a pronoun?
Vivec also had sex with Molag bal
I’m always reminded of how some people think Metal Gear is right wing when MGS3 has Raikov be Volgin’s gay lover and Raiden fights a bisexual vampire in MGS2 and 4.
GI Joe in the fucking 80’s was talking about working together with people from all walks of life, y’all lost the damn plot.
How can you kill a god?
Are people really mad that it has that option? In Skyrim literally everyone is bisexual, of course you don’t realize it til you put on an amulet of mara and all of the sudden your best mate farkus is like oh so your eligible for marriage? If you aren’t into it don’t choose it. But people need to stop being a dick about other people getting options in games. Btw I proposed to my current wife with an amulet of mara. Hid it under my shirt and she immediately knew what it was and said yes.
Vivec’s pronouns: Chad/chaddess
As an adult it’s very difficult to take anyone seriously that whines about pronouns or wokeness.
Everytime this happens I wonder who the real ”snowflakes” are…
Never found this God – probably because Vivec was a NIGHTMARE to navigate.
Vivec has better lore though, same for Nerevar’s reincarnation and why he can return as any race or gender.
YouTubers get angry because their job literally is to get angry.
It’s called **Outrage Porn** and it’s ruined the internet.
This meme does not make sense.
Pronoun is not the same as sex. Pronoun refers to gender, who you feel you are. Sex is your physical being.
They are not interchangable terms.
Man. If there’s a game that deserves a remake/remaster it’s Morrowind.
I don’t think these are the same thing, lol.
While the others actually shit on the game for positive reasons
Loading screens, loading screens, loading screens and more loading screens
Shit space travel
Combat is ok
Really stupid features
Can people shut the fuck up and play the damn game
This shit is so tiresome.
Who cares