Since I am late to the review game for this game, I’ll talk about why it won’t win at the #gameawards
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game, but it’s not as good as it’s contenders, and maybe not as good as the first.
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spelled lose wrong
*Lose, not loose
the same people who complained that the goty award didn’t matter after overwatch won it in 2016 seem to be really upset that a game they dislike is nominated for game of the year
Don’t you think it would be in better taste to talk about the game you think is gonna win vs making a video on why one particular goty nominee won’t win? Seems a bit pretentious to me.
Please stop recommending these shit YouTube videos. 👍
Its so far most woke game, soo… It will win something for sure!
What will he loose, your boyfriend’s donut?