Sunday, March 9All That Matters

Spiderman 2 Playstation Showcase PS5 Gameplay Trailer


  • Overall the game looks great. The new combat mechanics and gameplay additions looks awesome, the way the game utilises both Miles and Peter looks interesting.
    the majority of the environment is a big improvement. the textures on the overall environment, especially the buildings, are vastly superior but there’s a few moments where it looks dated, specifically the water, the boats and cars and the explosion effects when the ferry is struck by a missile

  • it’s either the 1080p stream or they changed art styles but for some reason the game looks worse in some aspects. When the trailer first started I thought I was watching another street fighter trailer

  • Solid gameplay reveal. The new mechanics are exciting and a black suit storyline looks super cool. Wonder what sort of interactions Kraven will have with other villains since he’s hunting everybody with powers and abilities and not just the two Spideys. Definitely looking forward to seeing what kind of role Harry Osbourne has in this and if we get any more Green Goblin development even if it’s something they’re saving for the next game, which is probably likely.

  • Dude, to say this looks so freakin good us such an understatement, here’s to hoping we don’t have another puddle-gate fiasco. Hype is real on this one!

  • It looks really good. The scale looks larger and the graphics look better for the most part. Some of the new moves look very cool, especially the glide suite. I’m not a fan of the new UI. Hopefully it’s not too long before it comes to PC. I can wait a few years

  • From what it looks like, you could finally visit suburbs in the open world.

    I always feel that’s often a neglected aspect in most open world games trying to replicate New York City.

    It isn’t just Manhattan, there’s five boroughs for a reason. Glad the developers noticed that.

  • I love all the subtlety that peter is REALLY different by the end when he saved the bystander.

    He usually lets the people down gently and even reassures them, instead he kinda just threw him down like dead weight. It was even noticed by Miles.

  • That looks so good.

    I really dig how you can glide with the underarm webs that are kinda like wingsuits.
    The finishers look great, especially those wall kicks.
    The symbiote suit looks absolutely slimy and disgusting which is a good thing.

  • Seems like a pretty iterative sequel, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. One or two cool new mechanics, new places to visit, throw a fresh coat of paint over it all and you’ve got the makings of a pretty good time.

    The shine of Playstation Exclusives has dulled for me somewhat. I just think they’re a little bit stagnant when it comes to innovation and their games strike me as a little too safe, but I still tend to have a good time as long as I don’t play too many of them in sequence. They’re well-polished games that use tried and tested game design tenants that tend to work just fine when they apply them. I just wish they could recapture some of that old imagination from games like Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, or Gravity Rush.

  • It really sucks that I’m skeptical about every new major release. We’ve been burned by too many games recently to where I’m now expecting some bad news about everything. Like it genuinely wouldn’t surprise me if they revealed it was locked 30fps or something crazy. I’m so spoiled when it comes to performance mode that I don’t think I could ever go back to 30 no matter how good the graphics are. However, I’m still holding my breath that this game will come out perfect. Insomniac is a great company so they’ll get my $ either way

  • Got to say I’m a little underwhelmed. This is not a leap forward the way Arkham Knight was from Arkham City, you could tell straight away that Knight was a upgrade from being on a different generation console..this just looks the same as ps4-pro Spider-man and Miles.

    I think perhaps the Miles game was a mistake looking back, because it’s just diluted the whole experience, imagine if this was the first thing we had seen since 2018, we would be more pumped but instead we had half a game in between and so it makes this just feel more of the same of something we’ve done twice already.

    The water and explosion effects don’t look good, GTAV on the ps3 has better water graphics than this, the ps3!

    It just feels a bit bog standard, nothing they showed got me pumped and excited. There was no real flair and style.

    I’m sure the game will be good, but going from this it might just be a solid good samey game, rather than doing something amazing.

    P.s, can we please make a Web inbetween buildings and sit on it, let us do spider stuff more.

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