Friday, March 7All That Matters

South Park – What Scientologists Actually Believe


  • The sheer balls of Matt Stone and Trey Parker to do an episode like this, knowing full well how petty and litigious the Church of Scientology is, makes them true comedy legends in my book. 😊

  • “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.”
    ― L Ron Hubbard

  • Story Time. In 2007, when this video came out I was fascinated. I was working in Tampa Florida at the time. (Clearwater is close by and is the like Mecca of Scientology) I went to work the next day and started drinking a monster energy drink and started telling my coworkers about this video and the content and all the crazy shit they believe. As I was talking, our Vice President walked by in a suit, stopped in front of me and just stared at me like a disgusting bug. After he finally left without saying a word, my coworker informed me he is a Scientologist. I was fired 3 days later for no listed cause. They have me 2 weeks pay an no unemployment (if I took the pay)

    TLDR. This video got me fired.

  • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… the fact that South Park had to put a disclaimer saying that it’s what Scientologists actually believe shows just how crazy it is, and what kind of things people are willing to believe.

  • I remember in my college world history class, when it came to Scientology and Mormonism, the professor (with a PhD) told us that if we were curious, to just go watch the South Park episodes on them because they covered it well.

  • I’ve always suspected that this story was a final test to see if the higher level scientologists were truly brainwashed enough to be trusted with being given power in the cult. If they hear this story and buy into it without question, then it’s clear to the leaders that the person is cult material.

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