Soulful voiced Michael McDonald leads The Doobie Brothers in ‘What A Fool Believes’ while playing two keyboards and laying down bonafide pop masterpiece of the 1970’s
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Soulful voiced Michael McDonald leads The Doobie Brothers in ‘What A Fool Believes’ while playing two keyboards and laying down bonafide pop masterpiece of the 1970’s
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When my father was cheating on my mother, he used to torture her with this song.
There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that love Michael McDonald, and those that have never heard him before.
Hell yeah!
Michael McDonald changed the Doobie Brothers from an amazing, funky, versatile rock and roll band into sappy, lightweight, easy listening, mom rock, hallmark card muzak. Fight me.
[I don’t care. Anything. I would rather… I would rather watch “Beautician and the Beast”. I would rather listen to Fran Drescher for eight hours than have to listen to Michael McDonald. Nothing against him, but if I hear “Yah Mo B There” one more time, I’m going to “Yah Mo” burn this place to the ground.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7Vo_t7zbeQ).
If this is the official music video, wouldn’t that mean what we’re hearing is the studio recorded and mixed version, synched to live footage? That would mean he may have overdubbed some of his keys.
I agree Michael McDonald is a treasure, but playing two keyboards with one hand each isn’t any harder than playing one keyboard with two hands.
After watching this video I’m starting to wonder if they were actually brothers.
There is something infectious about the timbre and repetitiveness of that keyboard part.
I used to work at an office that played a local R&B radio station, and MM was the only white person that got any air time.
Is that Howard Hessman playing guitar SITTING FUCKING DOWN for the show? Hah.
I can’t hear any of his solo stuff without having horrific flash backs of working at SunTV and being forced to play his music on repeat all day long on laserdisc.
Talented man, but the music triggers my brain so hard.
Skunk is just straight chillin
Obligatory link to the Yacht Rock playlist from Channel 101:https://youtu.be/jMTI8vg7A5U
Enjoy, newcomers.
Skunk became a high-security clearance Spook.
“Paula! I gotta tell you something and I’m really excited about it. For the first time, today, I woke up, I came to the store, and I feel confident to say to you that if you don’t turn this Michael Mcdonald dvd that you’ve been playing for two years straight off, I’m going to kill everyone in the store and put a bullet in my brain! I would rather watch beautician and the beast. I would rather listen to Fran Drescher for eight hours than to have to listen to Michael McDonald. Nothing against him, but if I hear Yah Mo B There one more time, I’m going to yah no burn this place to the ground.”
Great song and great vocals
My all time favorite song. As far as the video: my favorite part is Skunk Baxter giving a shit eating grin at about the 2:00 mark.
I know Jimmy Fallon gets a lot of hate on Reddit, but I always thought his musical imitations were pretty on point, and his take on Michael McDonald is no exception
This song yanks me back to the 70s more than anything in the world.
Obligatory tribute [link](https://youtu.be/b0HzWMqLeiE) to the greatest backing vocalist of all time.
This song is such a fuckin bop
As a teenager in the 1970s, I loved this band and wanted to be Michael McDonald. The dude was a rock star who had groupies lined up at the backstage door every night. Skunk Baxter might have been cooler, but I always saw this dude as the chick magnet of the band.
Highly recommend this version of the song sung by Kenny Loggins and McDonald together for Loggins’s concert in the redwoods
That’s Michael Motherfucking McDonald.
Plus he eats the microphone.
And that’s Jeff “Skunk” Baxter on the guitar where McDonald sang back up for Steely Dan. Playing six degrees of the 60s and 70s bands is so easy. Like the Eagles were Linda Ronstad’s Band before they were the Eagles and Jackson Browne lived under Glenn Frey and helped him with “Take It Eazy”. Eagels’ Hotel California’s “They stab it with their steely knives” is a nod to Steely Dan.
Dude can sing. He makes the steely Dan song Peg.
What a legend!