I’m watching Punisher War Zone settling down for the night and this scene rolled by. Hearing Slipknots Psychosocial caught my attention and intrigued me to watch the scene. Whether your a metal fan or not psychosocial is a rad piece of music.
Anyways as you can see here, I feel they fumbled hard. I’m mean they had to of paid a pretty penny for that thirty second snippet right? And they slapped over all slow no shots of dudes just walking? And then at the climax it still continues with awkward walking scenes. I was let down and left bewildered at how much they probably spent to throw it over some generic footage.
So what’s another instance where a song just didn’t…. Do it? For the scene. Like didn’t drive the intensity home or didn’t land the emotion the director originally intended maybe even laziness? I’d love to hear of other instances
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Last House on the Left (1972) – the whole music selection sucks, it’s neither fitting the tone of the story nor creating a contrast that emphasizes the story, it’s just … laughable stupid … it makes the whole movie unwatchable.
The music in the Flash was cringey and didn’t work with the scenes
Don’t you mean complement?