Someone on IG asked to make a hilarious edit of this influencer in the wild so I did. It’s the whistling fart for me.
Someone on IG asked to make a hilarious edit of this influencer in the wild so I did.
It’s the whistling fart for me.
from funny
View Reddit by madlove17 – View Source
They look so corny but you know her pics are gonna get a ridiculous amount of likes
When did they change the title under dressed eye candy to.. influencer.
It’s the second whistle that has the true comedic timing.
Is that like, a mall or an airport or something? Do these people just go do photoshoots in random public places? How has this been normalised?
Fucking hell. You made me wake up my daughter with my laugh. Didnt know what exactly to expect but that was great!
I wonder if this influencer thing will ever go away. Why would attractive women pursue careers and business ownership when they can get paid doing this. I’m sure many think this will make them rich. In reality rhey get maybe a decade or two of influencing and meanwhile probably develop an unhealthy view of self image. I hope they invest all that cash wisely.
Why do people do this?
yEH, that worked – I’m still laughing