Soldiers ‘shotgunning’ weed in Vietnam, 1973
Soldiers ‘shotgunning’ weed in Vietnam, 1973 from OldSchoolCool
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Soldiers ‘shotgunning’ weed in Vietnam, 1973
Soldiers ‘shotgunning’ weed in Vietnam, 1973 from OldSchoolCool
View Reddit by Kispori – View Source
Am I the only one who gets super paranoid when I’m high? imagine being high at war, in the jungle😭 fuck that.
I heard it was good weed, kept you high for hours.
ive smoked daily since I was 13, yet I still dont understand why people like to shotgun. it seems wasteful and overly complex to me. anyone know?
He was 20? Fucking hell, looks 40
Anyone getting Junior from Reno 911 vibes?
I can’t feel my neck anymore
William Dafoe made it at a lot more sexual than it needed to be
My high school art teacher bragged to me and my buddies about doing this while he was in Vietnam.
This seems like a very efficient way to get lead poisoning
Draftee at 20 in a messy war and responsible for a dozen. Well, who can be mad at them even if they smoked weeds?
Just watched Vietnam in HD earlier today and they showed this scene with the dudes faces blurred lol
Would be surprising if this is 1973, American activity in Vietnam was way down by then and troops were coming home en masse.
Looks more like 1969 or 1970.
Is this how the term shotgunning originated I wonder?
They were shotgunning a lot more than weed out there
Philly to the end lol
This is just sad to me, not cool. Must have been miserable
Soldiers in Vietnam always look so much cooler than any other era. Can’t explain it.
Dude in the sunglasses might just be the coolest man to have lived
Just a touch of burning GI bore cleaner and gun oil to add a little psychosis to the Thai-stick high.
It was 73. I went there in 65. None of this shit then.
Same as it ever was. Today it’s robotripping and popping DXM, 15 years ago it was spice, 30 years ago it was poppies
Military folk like getting fucked to together
Imagine being high during war im the jungle.
No chips or sweets if you have the munchies. And you really have a reason to paranoid about. “Did that bush just move? “
I want to try!
“People see rock ‘n’ roll as, as youth culture and when youth culture becomes monopolized by big business, what are the youth to do? Do you, do you have any idea? I think we should destroy the bogus capitalist process that is destroying youth culture”
How dramatic!
I wonder what happened to Vito??
Charlie don’t surf
Best use.
The way the guy at the end scoffed and said he, this war. That said it all to me. I’d have stayed high to fuck it…I can sure at any moment for a nothing cause.
“This war” a heavy phrase I often hear more than not from these gentlemen and all the shit they had to deal with for practically nothing and a nation to spit in their face
Damn it’s sad what the gang did to Cricket. He looked good at the end there.
More bongs, less bombs.
“i smoke two joints in time of peace, and two in times of war”
And this is why the US no longer does the draft lol
Duuuuude was that Sgt. Stadenko speaking?!
I wonder where they go their weed from during the war?
What is this clip from?
I have a letter from my brother to my dad when he was in Vietnam telling him how weed is better than booze
So this is where the term originates, that’s pretty cool.
73? They were being drawn down. U.S. soldiers were on their way out. Besides if you get caught, what are they going to do, send you to Vietnam? Still using in the field is just plain stupid.