So Val Kilmer’s voice in Top Gun Maverick wasn’t his! This is some pretty cool tech. Any other actors who could have benefitted from this in the past or will benefit from it going forwards?
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Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, kidding but not kidding.
It works when the character is dying from throat cancer. I don’t think I’d be convinced I’m a normal situation.
Not an actor, but definitely Sir David Attenborough.
I think Michael Douglas has had some kind of mouth or throat cancer? I haven’t heard him speak in several years though, so not sure if it changed his voice any?
On a side note, this could be a useful propaganda tool to start a war too.
There was an AI voice synthesis a few years back that wrote new material for Notorious BIG using his own voice and it was crazy accurate. Pretty amazing (and scary) stuff.
frankly… I thought it was not believable at all. The idea of dubbing lines later is not new… but as lipsyncing goes, it was way off considering the resources available to the movie.
although it was a bit off when watching him lip sync it, it was a perfect way to close the book on Iceman with respect to the character and to Val Kilmer himself. I enjoyed it and had some man feels during the scene
James Earl Jones when he passes. Disney probably reassured one of their cash cows will be working practically in perpetuity.
its not that cool. Deepfake voices have been around for a while.
Lina from Singin in the Rain
Let’s have anew James Dean movie
Andy Warhol’s voice was recreated using an AI and an actors voice in the recent Netflix documentary.
This is a spoiler. Ugh.
It was amazing! It really looked like Val Kilmer was typing on that keyboard.
But seriously, did I miss something? I had seen these stories before i saw the film, so I was interested to see how he sounded. And then all of his dialogue was either typing on a keyboard, or a scratchy whisper that, frankly, any voice actor could have done.