So I tried to mimic a bit of Ambulance by Michael Bay in the way of object tracking. What’s your opinion on this style of filming? Is it too dizzying?
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So I tried to mimic a bit of Ambulance by Michael Bay in the way of object tracking. What’s your opinion on this style of filming? Is it too dizzying?
View Reddit by verixtheconfused – View Source
Used in proper amounts it could be very entertaining. Its much better than a bunch of jump cuts.
Very cool
Its like spice on a dish: a little bit spices it up.
Too much, and it overtakes the piece.
This footage is phenomenal. Did you just lock on the drone and let it do it’s thing?
Frankly thought it was cgi at first. Well done.
I think it looks pretty dope, but . . .
If you really want to know how something looks, play it without the benefit of sound. I know it might sound odd, but you’re distorting the perception of the viewer by giving it a sound track.
What’s your setup?
Cool stuff, my only nitpick is I don’t want to be thinking about the drone and the camera swings so wildly that it makes me think of only that, instead of the subject of the shot.