So I pulled a large weed out of my front garden, now my lawn has a butthole…
View Reddit by majikdude – View Source
So I pulled a large weed out of my front garden, now my lawn has a butthole…
View Reddit by majikdude – View Source
Is that real grass or asstroturf?
The lawn of eternal stench.
Hate to say this but if your butthole looks like that, seek medical attention pronto.
Time to put your dick in the dirt and fuck the whole universe.
Mother Nature likes it there occasionally.
So, uh, did you?
I’d wonder what It would be like to put m
See, you got it wrong, it’s actually a dig spot from Animal Crossing. There’s probably a bag of cash 2 feet down!
If you like that picture, go to their OnlyGrass account.
Did you probe it with your finger?
Tell me your address
You made an arse of that
I wonder if it could push up a daisy?
Sigh *unzips*
You should dig up that location, there’s stuff there like a fossil or bells.
Nice grussy
Fuck the earth til it hurts!
Butt-hole? Thats a grass-hole.
Entire thread: Dirty, dirty comments.
Me, an Animal Crossing fan: “Oooh time to dig up a fossil!!”
Seed it! Seed it!
Time to plant your seed
I knew the second I saw this post, the whole comments would be, pretty much, just “if there’s a hole there’s a goal” and I am disappointed in all of you.
You basically pulled your lawn’s butt plug out
Don’t you do it… I’m keeping an eye on that hole and if it looks even slightly penetrated, I swear…
r/animal crossing would tell you there’s a fossil buried there.
Chocolate starfish indeed