I’m guessing that’s not the original box the husband came in. In fact, I’d go as far as to say this has happened specifically because he came in another box.
so. what are the legal ramifications of something like this? example. you go in and find a PS5 for $20. obviously WAY under priced. is this technically stealing? would you be responsible for receiving stolen goods?
Divorce can be insanely cruel, a deadly embrace. A friend of a friend, who ran a sales organization in the Pacific Rim, got dumped by his wife while he was out of the country. Before she filed the divorce papers (he never signed), he managed to empty all of their accounts and spent all of it at an elite cat house in the Philippines. It left her with a just heavily mortgaged house and a leased car. He never moved back to the States.
Wait…he’s in that box and on sale?
He puckered another womans pooty.
I’m guessing that’s not the original box the husband came in. In fact, I’d go as far as to say this has happened specifically because he came in another box.
I hope that he is at least in one piece in there
So I guess estate agents must now mention adultery occurred in house, same as as with ghosts. Wonder what the price effect is
Sadly funny.
Damn she’s selling all of her husbands just cause one cheated smh
Social media became such a strong trend because a lot people need to air their dirty laundry in public
Didn’t realise that meant you get to fire sale his belongings.. the more you know.
What’s in the box??
so. what are the legal ramifications of something like this? example. you go in and find a PS5 for $20. obviously WAY under priced. is this technically stealing? would you be responsible for receiving stolen goods?
Sale 214? She’s had 214 cheating husbands?
Gonna be a lot of toys to buy.
Divorce can be insanely cruel, a deadly embrace. A friend of a friend, who ran a sales organization in the Pacific Rim, got dumped by his wife while he was out of the country. Before she filed the divorce papers (he never signed), he managed to empty all of their accounts and spent all of it at an elite cat house in the Philippines. It left her with a just heavily mortgaged house and a leased car. He never moved back to the States.
All must go how many cheating husbands does she have