Sneaker wave south of Coos Bay, Oregon. My old stomping grounds. This is why you don’t camp on the beach…
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Sneaker wave south of Coos Bay, Oregon. My old stomping grounds. This is why you don’t camp on the beach…
View Reddit by mrxexon – View Source
Never turn your back on the ocean!
You also want to look out for sneaker pimps.
They will take you down.
Crazy. How did you even see that coming?
I saw one of those take out about 10 fishermen. Most of whom were wearing waders. Some got swept into the Ocean, but not past the surf. It felt very lucky no one got swept further out.
Dude sounds so stoned and I’m into it.
“Holy shi–” *(want to show this to gramma later)* “…you know what.”
I was really worried about that kid and dog. I’m glad he showed them towards the end.
How common are these? I grew up on the coast of Maine and never saw one or heard of it!
his calm voice did not match what happened at all lol
I’d like to believe that he narrates his own life aloud normally and just happened to be filming for this.
Not only the risk of getting swept out to sea, but being swept into the stone wall could end very badly as well. Rogue waves are no joke
Pretty sure if you walk about 5 miles up the coast you’ll get to an old restaurant there. It may look closed, but the Fratelli’s keep it open.
My initial reaction was, why is he running away from such a tiny wave.
Was in Lincoln City and was on the sand with my wife and two little boys when one of these rolled in. My wife was closer to high ground and made it up with our youngest, but I knew we wouldn’t make it, so as I saw three waves converge into one and race in, I grabbed my older son and turned my back towards the wave and took the hit and kept my balance. I turned sideways as it receded and it was insane power as high as my waist pulling me out but I kept my feet and then walked back in sopping wet but ok.
Brah like woah dude
Oregon’s ocean is probably way more dangerous than the Bermuda triangle
I’ve never heard such boredom and terror in a voice before.
I was expecting a wave with a lot of sneakers. I figured a container of sneakers might have ripped open after floating to shore, and a wave picked up a whole bunch of sneakers at once.
Nice vid and glad everyone is ok. I appreciated the Google maps location, my pops is just south at Bandon so gonna have to come check this out next time I visit.
Spend a lot of time on PNW beaches. Gotta watch out for sneakers and STAY AWAY from logs – which are all over the northern beaches in Washington. The water tosses several ton logs around like they are feathers. Kills people every year.
Can someone ELI5? I’ve never heard of a sneaker wave tbh
Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneaker_wave
Why would you think of camping below the high tide mark?
Slept on the beach (Pacific Rim on Vancouver Island) for a few days during my hippie wandering days back in the early 70s. Never saw anything remotely like this. Thank God.
Lifelong Oregonian here. My East-Coast girlfriend had never heard “don’t turn your back to the sea” before she moved here.
Just don’t fucking do it.
Sneaker waves are very well known and extremely common in the PNW, especially the Oregon Coast. Warning signs are posted at nearly every public beach. Having grown up in and around the Oregon coast, I am always shocked how people show little to no respect for the ocean. Oh, and if you think waves are bad, the Oregon coast is littered with massive piles of driftwood. Imagine a two ton wooden object laying harmless on a beach, only to have a sneaker wave sweep it up and send it floating across the beach, crushing everyone in its path. I know two people personally crushed by logs in a sneaker wave. The hospitals on the Oregon Coast see more log crushing victims than car accidents. TLDR: Sneaker waves are dangerous, add a dash of driftwood and they are nightmarish. Respect the ocean!
We had a family living across the street from us that were killed in a sneaker wave. Only the mom survived. The husband and two kids just gone in a heartbeat.
The saddest thing i’ve ever seen is all those children’s toys in a free pile on the sidewalk when they were emptying the house.
See where the sand goes? There’s a reason. Respect that. The water might not be there now, but it goes there.
I grew up in the desert. It never rains. When you see an area that looks like a dried up river, avoid that when it’s cloudy. It can kill you.
That’s really terrifying… I would run as fast as I can if I were them. Although I get that some people won’t panic over it, it could potentially put us in harm so I would rather be safe and sure.
After experiencing this, I never touched the beach ever. Even though I want to overcome the fear I developed that day, I am scared that I’ll just experience and the trauma will be fresh again.
Gosh, I will never not be fascinated about what nature can do.
Waves are literally so terrifying… I can never stand the sight of it.
Sucks for people who encountered this though… that’s scary.
Glad that I learned something new today but at what cost…
I don’t get some people who thinks this isn’t dangerous…
I don’t think camping on the beach should be a thing unless it’s on a high ground level.
Thanks for sharing, now I have more reasons to avoid the beach!
This is my first time hearing about a sneaker wave and I am terrified…
That looks so calm but after reading the thread, I wonder how that is so deadly…
This is frightening me… but wow, nature really works wonders. I am amazed at how a little looking wave can kill people. This is something that I do not want to happen though.
As much as I love being on the beach, this has given me some scare factor…