smooth Ultimate Frisbee throw during 2021 AUDL season
smooth Ultimate Frisbee throw during 2021 AUDL season from sports
View Reddit by sydneyapplebaum – View Source
smooth Ultimate Frisbee throw during 2021 AUDL season
smooth Ultimate Frisbee throw during 2021 AUDL season from sports
View Reddit by sydneyapplebaum – View Source
It looks boring af
Was there a reason 99 didn’t attempt to chase him down? Seems like 99 could have had a shot at getting to the disc if he sprinted to the end zone.
I’ve only played friendly games of Ultimate, so there is a probably a lot going over my head.
Why did no one bother to cover the guy throwing the frisbee? Back when we used to play people would be all over you and make it a challenge to throw. Not sure if we were playing by the right rules lol
I love ultimate highlights but this is the least exciting ultimate highlight I’ve seen in a while. It’s just a huck to a wide open receiver.