Sunday, December 29All That Matters

Skyrim with a hint of AI. It’s amazing what Chat GPT did with this old game. It also gives you idea about the games that’ll come in future.


Skyrim with a hint of AI. It’s amazing what Chat GPT did with this old game. It also gives you idea about the games that’ll come in future.


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  • I have had this idea in theory since I was 13. Everyone I ever told about it laughed at me and told me it was impossible. Now it’s here.

    The other one I have deals with a similar application but for combining literary theory, Campbell’s ‘monomyth’, and known tropes to create generative AI stories, quests, and experiences for everything from books to series or movies on demand to, you guessed it, entire RPG worlds for players to explore and enjoy.

    I tried to give an idea to the studios some years back to license celebrity likeness for use in deepfake generative movies. Ghosted, natch.

    These are the ones I just hand out for free. I have entire boxes of this stuff and no one in the world is interested in putting me to work.

    So I mostly just read Reddit and comment like this when the frustration gets too high.

    (Dyslexic autistic has decades of ideas on this kind of stuff, but no way to make them real without help. Vents on Reddit to keep the depression at bay.)

  • It’s a cool idea in theory but incredibly slow to respond in it’s current state. But it’s funny, we used to have games that tried to anticipate what the player would ask in stuff like Morrowind. Why would developers give you the choice of saying anything what you want when Bethesda only gives you “yes”, “funny yes”, “sarcastic yes”, and “i do this later”?

  • Imagine how immersive it could get if it was done in vr with a haptic suit genuine arguments feeling the punches fully immersive visual the future is gonna get pretty spectacular ( and unfortunately freaky too) unfortunately it’s gonna get driven by in game adverts

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