October 28, 2023 by Quick_Presentation11 Skateboarders, ca 1980 [ad_2] View Reddit by Quick_Presentation11 – View Source
Skateboarders are a great bunch. You take a group of them from the mid 80s and put them in the same place with a group from the early 2000s and you would have trouble delineating which one is which. October 28, 2023 at 6:36 pm Reply
Definitely later than 1980.
That ramp looks about as high quality as my old “mini half pipe”.
this looks like late 70’s early 80’s for sure.
Skateboarders are a great bunch. You take a group of them from the mid 80s and put them in the same place with a group from the early 2000s and you would have trouble delineating which one is which.
superb drip on the young lady, even the arm cast is doing work
Ocean Pacific shorts!