Since the most recent Splinter Cell game was released nearly ten years ago, I’m curious as to why Ubisoft hasn’t resurrected this gem of a franchise.
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Since the most recent Splinter Cell game was released nearly ten years ago, I’m curious as to why Ubisoft hasn’t resurrected this gem of a franchise.
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There’s rumor of a remaster or remake on the horizon.
All I want in life is 2 v 2 spies vs mercenaries. I was hopeful SPECTRE would scratch that itch, but it was supposed to come out in 2022, and I haven’t heard a thing about it since they announced it.
The old devs are long gone and new management seems clueless, plus the director for the remake left recently so I doubt this project is going smoothly and anywhere near ready.
Sad cause I loved everyone one of them, even when they changed up the gameplay. But hey, EA managed to pull off the Dead Space remake so there’s some hope
It strayed too far from its roots because the original play style just doesn’t hold up in the modern market. I think the best they could do is a remaster. I’d play 1-3 with modern graphics for sure.
Because ac pay a lot better
Because recycling old content is garbage
Tbh im happy it came to an end. I dont want to take the risk of ubisoft destroying this franchise like many modern games
They probably couldn’t make it work as a open world lite rpg yet.
My brother and I used to love playing coop in Chaos Theory.
Because they are busy with NFT
Atleast it’s only on Hiatus as opposed to the other stealth games that are all [Dead](https://youtu.be/Vlnh0KLVJJ0)
The studio is hiring for Splinter Cell, so they have resureccted it.
Because they like making repetitive open-world games rather than sandbox stealth action games which is why they are facing financial problems.
They are too busy adding Sam to other games to actually make a new SC game.
I feel like the market is in a great spot to have a new splinter cell game, I mean think about it. Singleplayer games are thriving right now with Jedi Survivor, GOW, Elden Ring DLC, Dead Space Remake and Spider-Man 2 on the way. It seems like a solid singleplayer stealth action game with a 15 hour story and extra side missions would sell great right now.
They’re probably too busy working on other things who knows they might bring back splinter cell or Rayman God I hope they do they could just release an assassin’s Creed bundle with like the first four games
Because singleplayer gaming is dead, of course /s
Ubisoft is always late to the hype-train. They do everything that other companies being doing for the past 5 years and try to advertise it like it was something new after others have been doing it for so long. They lack creativity (mostly) now. Trying to play it safe all the time after a trend has died is not how you run a game company, imho.
So since the remakes are cashing pretty good money rn, Ubi will probably try doing it in 3-4 years from now on. And miserably fail (yet again). I missed older Ubi games.
I think people need to move on…and devs needs to start making new ip…make a new game with current gen tools and improve gameplay and a new story and characters to follow
Probably too busy assault their employees to get much work done.
Because Ubisoft is so shit they know they’re gonna mess it up completely even if they try.
I don’t even think ubi know they are supposed to make games, the products they put out nowadays are just so… confused.
You do realize that if modern Ubisoft tries to do anything with this franchise, there is 80% chance they will fuck up badly and microtransactions are guaranteed.
Put down that Monkey Paw.
Also doesn’t really stick with ubisoft new blueprint of a quircky open-world with hundreds of side-quests and unecessary RPG systems.
harder to monetize a single player game after release without it being work on their part through dlc id assume
Probably trying to figure out a good way to monetize the hell out of it.
Because it’s single player
And to this day I crave spys vs mercs. Splinter cell was my favorite single player/ multiplayer game ever. I still play both time to time.
They’re afraid they can’t turn it into a live service and charge insane amounts of money for macrotransactions. Also, Ubisoft refuses to innovate and just chases Fortnight and CoD trends.
If I’m playing a game about sneaking around, I’d rather play something like Hitman.
Because they can’t make good games anymore. And if they would burned yet another franchise with bad game, it might bury them.
People don’t understand that ubisoft is in trouble. Year after Year they’re losing money. Bad game after bad game. This cannot go on, or more branches will be closed and studio will die.
Recently they closed Poland branch. There are talks about closing Italy branch as well.
I miss games that forced and rewarded 100% stealth. I remember blasting dudes with air foil rounds and hiding the bodies. Hitman is good but it’s by no means SplinterCell.
This was my favorite series. I loved spies vs mercs.
On top of what everyone else said being true (the team being gone, ubi being shit, etc), I just legit don’t think they have a single clue how to move the story forward. Last I checked on it, which was the game before the more recent one, the story was kinda going batshit insane in a very metal gear solid kinda way. But it works for MGS because that’s how the story always was, for Splinter Cell it was off-putting and it was really only the gameplay that kept me interested.
Flat out Ubisoft sucks and has for a while. They wouldn’t know what to do with the franchise if it won’t generate money in micro transactions.
because book
Spies vs Mercs is still my favorite PvP mode in any game ever
Would be so happy if a new Splinter Cell came out!!