Thursday, January 9All That Matters

Simpler Times


  • I’ve had a somewhat… unsettling realization about myself recently: every *good* memory I have from my childhood involves playing some sort of video game or watching some sort of cartoon/anime. None of them involve spending time with another, actual, person.

    No need to worry about me, by the way, I’ve gotten much better since then – but now I understand why all those nostalgic memes about how great it was to spend your childhood doing nothing but playing video games have always rubbed me the wrong way.

  • It was dangerous to play games back then. And never when the fights were on, just… couldn’t concentrate.

    Also one should had never turn their back to the door, and the door was ALWAYS behind.

    And no headphones, so you could hear steps.

  • Damn, lot of people with really sad childhoods here. I can’t imagine my parents arguing like that, because they never did it within earshot of us (me or my two sisters) growing up. They didn’t have a perfect or happy marriage, my dad made a ton of mistakes, but they never fought in front of us.

    My parents were together for fifty-five years and six months, separated only by my dad passing away recently.

  • Monday morning check list:

    Coffee ✔️
    Taking a shower✔️
    Having a relapse of trauma response after a meme:✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️😭

  • As someone who didn’t exactly grow up in the happiest way, this hits very hard.

    I honestly daresay video games, and the stories they told, were a better parent to me than either of my own actual parents growing up. They would just blame the “games machines” for making me a introverted recluse instead of owning up to their own mistakes and trying to spend time with me.

    For anyone worried, fear not, my parents (and by extension, I) have far changed for the better since then.

  • I’m 27 and visited my parents for my bday earlier this year. I was in my old room at the end of the night and heard them bickering and my heart rate shot through the fuckin roof lol.

    Like no time had passed.

  • 1) I rock the bald and beard look.

    2) Used to spent countless hours playing the N64.

    3) My parent used to fight everyday and got a divorce at that time.

    4) This post hit me right in the feels.

  • Jesus…. Was my childhood THAT fucking universal? How the fuck did so many people in my generation live the same life?

    Late 80’s baby here, I am absolutely blown away by how many people in my generation have lived this life. I know it’s not unique to my generation, now days it’s Xbox and PlayStation and a myriad of different titles.

    I was playing Ocarina of Time on my 13th bday when my mom rushed in and told me my dog got hit by a car. Queue long ass fight with lots of screaming and the worst birthday of my life… this is the one that sticks with me and comes back fresh whenever I see the game or think about it. I just remember sobbing and then the fighting started and I kind of shut down, picked the controller back up and slipped into a state of blissful emptiness… I don’t remember anything else from that day.

    I just want to say something to all of us that lived this life or are currently living this life… I love you all. Maybe one day the good memories will outweigh the bad and we’ll look back and smile instead of feeling pain.

  • My parents staying together “for me” was one of the worst parenting decisions they ever made.

    Them finally separating was one of the best days of my life.

    Staying together “for the children” is not better if you are making their lives miserable.

  • This comic is why I don’t “long for simpler times.” My childhood sucked. I respect that people with good childhoods feel nostalgia for those days, but I wouldn’t go back to that in a million years.

    Reading and gaming were both escapes for me, and they’re still my two main hobbies because I’ve grown to love the hobbies on their own, even without having anything to have to escape anymore. But the initial reason I would get so absorbed in a book or a game was to try and forget the bullshit going on in my family.

    Idk I just see tons of people talking about how they have “such amazing memories” of specific video games and while I might feel a little nostalgic if I play an old game, I don’t really relate to it being a great memory because usually the first time I played it I was depressed and/or lonely.

    I also like…did real stuff in my childhood (it wasnt all bad all the time, I grew up with a parent who deviated wildly between trying too hard to be a good parent to compensate and being verbally abusive and terrible. Possible BPD going on.) Games were something to occupy my time when I was lonely and bored, but they’re certainly not my best memories.

    Not criticizing anybody, this is just where I’m at.

  • Lemme tell you this: there is no fucking way that when my parents were fighting, we’d be able to sit around and play video games. When my house was embattled, everyone and everything was in the war path.

    My parents have been married for 35+ years, and haven’t liked each other for at least 30 of them. It’s crazy what living that life will do to you. My parents wonder why I can’t keep a stable relationship, but what they don’t realize is that I’m so fucking terrified of becoming *them* that I nuke any relationship when stuff starts to go wrong.

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