Sigourney Weaver as Dana Barrett, flashing some leg in Ghostbusters 1984.
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Sigourney Weaver as Dana Barrett, flashing some leg in Ghostbusters 1984.
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Those legs are sooo long they have their own zip code ya know
There is no Dana, only Zuul
Look at the gams on that dame!
Do you want this body?
Are you the Gatekeeper?
**She’s not my girlfriend.** I find her interesting because she’s a client — and because she sleeps above her covers. FOUR. FEET above her covers! She barks! She drools! She claws!
I remember the dark days, before Sigourney Weaver, when people were forced to weave their own Sigourneys.
Perfect movie
She was pretty feminine and attractive in her younger years. She also seemed fairly natural and relaxed on set. Especially with a crazy, but fun guy like Bill Murray.
One of my favorite movies!
Okay. So, she’s a dog
You know, you don’t act much like a scientist..
Ya, they’re usually pretty stiff.\
You’re more like .. a game show host.
“Dad, Can I ask you a question?”
“There is no Dad, only Zuul!”
“Zuul! Go get my Dad!”