Shoutout to a local GameStop for helping us find another store with a few Xbox Series X’s in stock!
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Shoutout to a local GameStop for helping us find another store with a few Xbox Series X’s in stock!
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Gaming really does bring everybody together, cheers
Except you likely had to buy one of their god awful bundles. I mean congrats, but those bundles are horrible.
Good buys with the recent news
Nice try, GameStop.
I literally walked by 4 of them this week at my local target. I don’t have 500 to blow right now. They are coming in quicker than ps5.
Who’s the careless dick? That you, OP?
Saw one dude leave with 4 of them at my local Gamestop a few days ago.
Got a series x a couple weeks ago at my gamestop. And a ps5 online from gamestop about a year ago!!
Dude on the left looks like the white guy from prison break
2 cool dudes who care about everyone and 1 all about them. There’s always, always, one.
The Xbox Series X is literally everywhere lol I even saw them at a local microcenter a week ago
does u and the workers have a pet rock
Shout-out to the guy on the right who can afford a new console but not a mask.
It’s an awesome system, enjoy!! Congrats on getting your hands on one.
Fuck GameStop! If you give any damn about gaming stop buying from them.
No one should support those bundles.
Did they force you into buying a bunch of random games and a gift card as well? I’m glad I got my series x finally but wasn’t expecting to have to buy $250 worth of extra crap I didn’t want.
no way! my gamestop just keeps telling me to try online
What a waste of money