In the UK we’ve moved towards a model of housing associations, run by “charities”. In most cases there are strict rules to combat the likelihood of crime and anti social behaviour. With ever increasing housing costs, vs the basic human right of having somewhere to live, it has to fall on government or charities to provide social housing.
Public services are generally pretty shitty across the board, because they are monopolies run by bureaucracies. It’s better to just give people money or vouchers and let them choose for themselves what the best place to live is and to give them the flexibility to get out of these places if they turn bad. This, in turn, will incentivize landlords to do their best to upkeep and keep out bad elements from spots where normal people live, since they’ll have to compete for the rent money like anyone else.
It would be nice to try to build them again. First, we need to better support the existing units then slowly add units when we can properly support more.
After that observe and see if it’s going well
Of course, we need the private sector to help with affordability as well. It would be nice
Look how Cabrini-green turned out.
In the UK we’ve moved towards a model of housing associations, run by “charities”. In most cases there are strict rules to combat the likelihood of crime and anti social behaviour. With ever increasing housing costs, vs the basic human right of having somewhere to live, it has to fall on government or charities to provide social housing.
Public services are generally pretty shitty across the board, because they are monopolies run by bureaucracies. It’s better to just give people money or vouchers and let them choose for themselves what the best place to live is and to give them the flexibility to get out of these places if they turn bad. This, in turn, will incentivize landlords to do their best to upkeep and keep out bad elements from spots where normal people live, since they’ll have to compete for the rent money like anyone else.
And we can give them nice friendly names, like Peachtrees
Maybe something like [this](, with appropriate law enforcement.
It would be nice to try to build them again. First, we need to better support the existing units then slowly add units when we can properly support more.
After that observe and see if it’s going well
Of course, we need the private sector to help with affordability as well. It would be nice
Do they work or do they just become vertical ghettos?