She is sitting on a toilet with her panties down and they are selling shocks and brakes.
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She is sitting on a toilet with her panties down and they are selling shocks and brakes.
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Wow .. Well some people experience the anxiety of needing car work differently
Maybe they peep on you in the bathroom?
That’s a crappy deal
They have a very niche yet very loyal target demographic.
It got your attention … that’s its purpose
Why would she sit on the toilet with underwear on
It does get your attention.
I think this needs to go to that peter explains the joke sub 🙂
It’s a shock on how much she’s going and wishes she had a break.
It’s definitely an attention grabber
Maybe she has explosive diarrhea
I’ve seen a sign covered in strippers advertising a paint stripping service. Was very eye catching.
She can’t believe she just bought new shocks and brakes somewhere else and missed the 50% discount.
God damn it Miramar
But they got you to look.
Weird, I thought they were selling shock & awe
Umm . . .what?
I said shocks and brakes, not shitting bricks!
The excitement of getting a discount on brakes really jostled her gut in such a way that only the greasiest of fast foods could dream of doing.
Miramar, this is definitely effective advertising for the connoisseurs of Crayola cuisine around there.
50% off
One truth that advertising always reveals is just who they think is likely to respond to their message.
My take is that they are assuming you are an incompetent ass, overwhelmed by an unexpected problem, and thus dependent on their services.
Do business with this cynical gang if you wish, but gear up for the inevitable shaft.
And you paid so much attention you posted it. Advertising mission accomplished.
Maybe it’s supposed to be her clothes are “50% off” because she’s only wearing a top? Idk it’s weird
But made you look and read. and even Post it here. successful Marketing.
Big Bill Hell’s Auto Repair! Home of challenge pissing!
shes still about to ruin her dress
Just a small period of her life.
They sell shitty parts
Deals so good they will make you take a big shame shit!
This is right across the street from a military base. They know their demographic.
It got you talking about it. So it worked.
“Maam this is a wendy’s” moment
“Men only want one thing and it’s disgusting”
“Oooh, 50% off brakes and shocks.”
Right across the border into Tijuana Mexico there was an advertisement of a hot babe next to a phone number for injury attorney
What’s with the MURDRtv?
Sign memes are always a tough one for me. I want to laugh but don’t want to be gullible. It’s like I want to believe the ridiculousness and know it’s out there existing, but so many memes with signage have altered text for lols. It seems more often than not, especially those church signs where they swap the letters out
The horror! Clutches pearls.
“prices so good that you’ll shit yourself”
I’ve had some shits where I think the toilet could have used a set of shocks.
Her dead springs caused a miscarriage.
She’s just prepping the skid marks
This is Fruhmann Motor Gallery in San Diego. They do stuff like this all the time, and of course this photo selection was very intentional. Some of their social media and/or advertising stuff is funny… Some is confusing… Some is try-hard cringe…
All that said, they are actually an excellent auto repair shop.