This is my first Street Fighter. I was gonna make a Cammy build video for Pathfinder but after the beta, I’m absolutely building Kimberly. She’s so fun to play as and I know she’d be fun in a TTRPG.
Granted, she’ll be the 3rd Monk build, but too bad.
Can i just state that i love the designs in sf6? It looks like everyone is finally comfortable to be themselves, vs stereotypical archtypes more or less wearing uniforms.
The colors & coordination game are on point, too. So bright & full of life.
We e gone from boob physics to butt physics
The cool braid physics make me really sad that they changed Cammy’s look
Double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon
The background guy cheering when she bends over can’t be coincidence right?
I know what was the point of this video, but what i’m wondering about is what helicopter is it in the background?
She is legit the most fun char to play on SF6, Marisa/Juri a close 2nd.
Yeah, yeah. But she’s also a super cool character. More Bushinryu fighters, please!
Hasan in the background 😀
I understand we want butt and boob physics. But gawdamn fix the face!
She kinda bad though
Who knew RE5 Chris Redfield would make a good cheerleader?
The true street fighter game has come
She reminds me of Bianca Belair from WWE.
is this the line for cake?
( Y )
I came out of the beta really loving her gameplay style. El Fuerte-style run loops, throws, air shenanigans? All of it seems great.
Bro, she got the finest stomach I’ve ever seen
Is it bad I looked at her hsir for a few cycles before noticing the butt?
And the point of this post was?
Not sure if there are jiggle machanics on her back or if that is the wind moving her jacket…
What an awful character model. What weird fucked up proportions she has. Her ass looks like a Barbie ass.
Is that Chris Redfield in the background
Those aint pants, that there is paint
God, Capcom really wants to get sf6 on the overwatch porn train.
Is it just me or do the cheeks look undersized fornthe rest of her legs?
This is my first Street Fighter. I was gonna make a Cammy build video for Pathfinder but after the beta, I’m absolutely building Kimberly. She’s so fun to play as and I know she’d be fun in a TTRPG.
Granted, she’ll be the 3rd Monk build, but too bad.
I play street fighter for the gameplay
Devs were thirsty AF when they made the game.
Bianca Belair
Them abs tho. Delicious
well at least the hair looks good
Hey remember when Tracer had a similar pose but Blizzard panicked because they were trying to appeal to everyone that could be easily offended?
She got a short butt if that makes any sense
I love her hair 😍
Can i just state that i love the designs in sf6? It looks like everyone is finally comfortable to be themselves, vs stereotypical archtypes more or less wearing uniforms.
The colors & coordination game are on point, too. So bright & full of life.
Bootalitiy: Flawless victory
Damn, what a cool helicopter model in the background!
God bless asian devs
What is Ben affleck doing there
Imma be honest.
That helicopter is bugging me in the back. That ain’t no Seahawk
Her and Genji, best asses in the games.
Japan finally acknowledged that ass is a thing.
SF6 devs like big (and small and medium sized) butts and they cannot lie.
Why does the guy in the back look like a Goomba from the live action Mario Bros movie?
Capcom going hard for the thirst traps