Seth Meyers’ joke last night about five living presidents doing a podcast together
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Seth Meyers’ joke last night about five living presidents doing a podcast together
View Reddit by cogneuro – View Source
Feels like someone’s missing
Seth Myers is turning into Walton Goggins.
Biden – Seth
Obama – Oliver
Clinton – Kimmel
Carter – Colbert
Bush – Fallon
I should’ve seen that punchline coming.
Manscaped should make “Bush” a working discount code.
I love that we have normalized that there are only 5 living presidents.
His forehead is insane what happened
Why did you clip it and put it on your own channel? Here’s the real youtube vid: https://youtu.be/XB2W_kw62u8?t=1072
Impression camp really paid off.
I love Seth leaning into when his impressions are not great. Second funniest part of the clip is him giving a questioning-then-self-approving thumbs up he starts his Jimmy Carter impression.
Is this funny?
[Presidential Discord](https://www.youtube.com/@presidentialdiscord) does it better.
This is a stolen gag from tik tok or instagram. Former presidents on discord arguing over a game.
I get the joke he made, but does he not see the risk in joking around about a 99 year old being one of the living presidents? If he dies anytime in the next month, Meyers is gonna get roasted.
Sure, it’s coincidence, but social media will blame him for killing Carter (or really any of them if they happen to die somehow)
Post Conan Seth is the only actually funny late night host left (I’m not counting John Oliver, he only has a weekly show).