Friday, February 21All That Matters

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off | Official Clip | November 17 on Netflix


  • This is incredibly slow, it has no energy. You’d think it would be something they’d make sure to dial in. Ugh. Thank god I still have the live action movie in disk form.

  • After seeing the movie so many times it is really jarring how slow this scene plays out. I kinda miss Edgar Wright’s break-neck speed of editing a bit, even if it does lead to a overwhelming first viewing experience.

  • Seems like they’re taking a Bee and Puppycat approach to the whole vibe of the show, making it seem really slow and cutesy. Idk, thought this would feel more like the comics but it really doesn’t. We’ll see how the actions pans out.

  • Is Scott Pilgrim the Movie adaption really that good?

    For me it was ok-ish at best and only for one time view and only if you put the story aside.

    I mean come on, Dude has to fight 7 ex-lovers for his dream girl only to find out that his first girl friend(the one that he cheated on) was his true love all along.

    I get that the target audience is teens, but still kinda too hyped in my opinion.
    But then again, a lot of people like twilight.

  • Hm, so it’s more like adaptation of movie with style from comics, than adaptation of comics, because this scene is different in original (Knives came while Scott was waiting for delivery)

  • I wish they didn’t use the original actors from the live action. I’d love to hear some real voice actors. I think it would feel more like it’s own thing. I’ll definitely give this a shot but the animation isn’t doing it for me either.

  • All the hopes and expectations I had from the adaption went down after this clip…

    First of all, I know they are just showing a scene, an early one from the first comic books or novels, but why they will show this one to the fanbase or new people expecting to get hooked on the series?

    The jokes are not hitting because the sound effects are nearly non existent, same for the pacing and how the scene is directed, the rhythim is slow and near monotone, the gags have not a single special flourish to them and they are just dry and throw without any punch, the pacing of the scene is just to slow, and doesn’t help that the voice acting, while feeling new and with a different approach from the movie, is reflecting kinda weird with the lip sync and the little to no character movement.

    And honestly, I don’t think I’m the only one, but that out of focus is implemented really bad, so bad that is kinda hurting my eyes and making me have a little headache if I keep looking at it, I don’t understand the point of using it there, it doesn’t make the scene look good, stylish or with a point as, for example, Scott is so self absorbed on his self and his ego that all around him is kinda blurry and not important and out of focus or spotlight, because even him is blurry.

    Still, while I like the slow and more ordinary life and slice of life of Scott Pilgrim books novels whatever, here it looks and sounds just soulless and with all the fun suck out of it, is kinda weird, mostly when the movie has show that they can do this scene with a more fun approach on the editing and the pace of it.

    Just hope they change or make a version without that blurry out of focus thing because is hurting my eyes and head, and if that is kept for the whole series and episodes, I’m not gonna be able to see the series or watch it at all, for the good of my health and sanity.

    I think this was a bad choice of scene to show and the little direction or personal take of it doesn’t help, I don’t like it, it looks like the movie, but without the charm and fun of it, it sounds kind like the movie, but without the quality and appreciation of the lips and mouths in sync, and for sure it doesn’t help that the scene is just a plain without much movement or style.

    Want to trust SCIENCE SARU, I trust them, but right now I think that having the same cast as the movie and a new directoR with Edgar Wright behind but without his quirks and identity as a director, is just going to hurt them more and be a mix product instead of a full unique vision of the studio and the director.

    Will like to point out one last thing, I like what they did with the designs, a clever mix of the more grounded style of the characters of the first 3 volumes with the more chibi, small and rounded character of the last volumes, just wish it was closer to the first volumes for those real and human moments of the series, the slow scenes, ordinary life and moments, something like the style of what Adult Swim did many years ago when the movie was going to be launch.

    I’m sure the series will be fine and the moments of energy and more movement and jokes are going to be frantic, fun and with style, but not feeling this scene in any aspect.

    Now I’m really afraid of that out of focus blurry thing and that it tries to look and sound like the movie too much but without the style of it.

  • The one part that I didn’t really like (and admittedly was comparing to the same moment in the movie since I rewatched it a few weeks ago) was when Aubrey Plaza’s character shouts at Scott with the laser eyes. I just think it lacks the impact and energy of the live-action, especially with how that version has the lighting completely change so it’s just Plaza against a dark background. I know it’s supposed to be different from the movie but I hope they still retain those flourishes that helped with its charm.

  • This is a weird scene to show off, I’m guessing some Netflix exec saw the change to Netflix’s DVD service and thought “that’ll get views because it’s meta” but it’s an odd choice for a first impression given how slow the scene is.

  • Jesus Christ barely a two minute clip and all the people here already be bitching about extremely minute details that the overwhelming majority of people wouldn’t notice. I suspect nostalgia is a factor as well as everything new tending to be seen under a hyper critical eye.

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