Scientists follow a ‘Yellow Brick Road’ in a never-before-seen spot of the Pacific Ocean
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Scientists follow a ‘Yellow Brick Road’ in a never-before-seen spot of the Pacific Ocean
View Reddit by itim__office – View Source
Gave me chills, nice video!
Very awesome and insanely deep..similar depth to the The Cuban Underwater Formation off the coast of Cuba. Wish we had footage like this of that.
So cute! It’s like 5 year olds were given a robot to go rock collecting.
Did they take a sample of the brick material?
*sees cool rock* *puts it in pocket* Yes im familiar with this tactic from my early days
I’ll feeling they’re not in Kansas anymore.
Undeniable proof of the lost city of Atlantis.
“When are you gonna come down?”
Follow the yellow brick road!
I love watching these guys, i wish they’d have said what caused that “brick” formation though, it looked pretty cool, very man made looking.
I assume the rgb strips on the arm are there for colour correction of the video?
The RGB and White balance card on the arm…….nice.
Kinda crazy that some of these people are scientists, they sound like children talking about what they’re seeing.
Perfectly formed rectangular road-like structure…is a natural formation? Yeah, idk about that chief.
Didn’t see any Munchkins…
So friggin neat!
now thats amazing, i wonder if that has anything to do with a VMS or similar metallic ore body in early stages of formation.
Some rocks, cracking, form regular shapes, for example, rectangles.
This is not a bridge.
Wet Dry World vibes
the relationship between earth and humans is so fascinating
It’s been seen by someone , they built it. /s
Could just be a rock formation? I’ve seen some wild stuff on the sides of mountains and rock outcroppings.
que buen video
it lead to the foundation of a structure
It would be a terrible shame if we started strip-mining it.
I can’t help but worry, when they pick up those rocks.
Peter Watts had this to say: https://www.rifters.com/crawl/?p=8904
They should have grabbed a brick.
What game is that? Looks really immersive.