It looks like it fits in the mold of your generic Simulator formula. Take a concept that would be fun to simulate, but somehow not make it as fun as it should be.
This game had potential to be one of the most enjoyable sims but it’s HARD to maintain interest after 5/6 hours of gameplay. They lacked any real reason whatsoever to have money. You shoulda been able to buy faster quieter cars. Hire a a.I. crew and take a percentage of these they steal. Invest in local stores to sell your stolen wares. It was just “upgrade this house for no reason” if they had any depth in that area whatsoever I would have played the whole thing. Worth 2.99$ but not a dollar more
Bought it for switch. It’s terrible. It was that price 18months ago or whenever I bought it. I think they do that to make it look like a good deal so people buy it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on the Nintendo store at $19.99.
If you don’t pirate the game, you fail
It counts
Get out.
It’s a fun enough game for an hour or two – but I found there wasn’t enough freedom until you complete all the missions.
So trash that even free they steal your time
I just wanted to point out that you need to spend a skill point to be able to throw a brick through a window.
I’ve played this game it’s really good
Wow Johnny Sins found a new niche
Totally worth $3
You’re basically robbing them
You should be ashamed of yourself lol
I believe this belongs in r/dadjokes
Take your upvote and fuck off.
It looks like it fits in the mold of your generic Simulator formula. Take a concept that would be fun to simulate, but somehow not make it as fun as it should be.
For full immersion it needs to be pirated I guess)
is that jason statham?
This game is janky, but good if you like stealth.
The sequel American Theft 80s is less janky and better.
Well I had to steal 3$ for this
Almost a 5 finger discount
Oh man that title really swiped my attention.
The door is that way >>>
Shut mouth. Please.
Game is actually really fun in VR
The guy in the picture kinda look like johny sins tho.
It’s almost always on sale for $1.99 on the Switch eShop. I keep considering it but I know these “simulator” games are usually hit or miss.
It’s ironic as paying full price is daylight robbery.
I miss the real Thief games from back in the day.
Is that the worlds greatest Astronaut/Dentist/Pizzaman?
I thought i had a steal on instant gaming for 5.99 🥲
its not worth it, go buy a soda or something instead and shake it, it’ll be just as fun.
It’s criminally underrated.
This game had potential to be one of the most enjoyable sims but it’s HARD to maintain interest after 5/6 hours of gameplay. They lacked any real reason whatsoever to have money. You shoulda been able to buy faster quieter cars. Hire a a.I. crew and take a percentage of these they steal. Invest in local stores to sell your stolen wares. It was just “upgrade this house for no reason” if they had any depth in that area whatsoever I would have played the whole thing. Worth 2.99$ but not a dollar more
I pirated the game, when I launched it it said I already beat it.
Buy the old 1998 Theif game instead
Just because its a game about stealing ima steal this game for free, ima pie-rat this thing
Bought it for switch. It’s terrible. It was that price 18months ago or whenever I bought it. I think they do that to make it look like a good deal so people buy it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on the Nintendo store at $19.99.
Torrent it lol