Sarah Morgan from starfield reminds me a bit of Dr. Chakwas from mass effect
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Sarah Morgan from starfield reminds me a bit of Dr. Chakwas from mass effect
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Except one has a real personality and the other is a wet fart in the shape of a human being.
*Spins in Chair*
Ah yes, Dr. Chocolates.
Sarah Morgan looks a lot like Jennifer Lawrence to me. Can’t unsee it.
yeah, they both have eyes and a mouth, the resemblance is uncanny
Starfield looks awesome in many places, but their character models cant even compare to older games
I like Sarah, but Chakwas has way more charm.
They both have that early Xbox 360 look about them.
Yea because they both ook like bland mannequins
Chakwas had more spunk to her. Sarah feels a little bit too squeeky clean to be an actual person.
When I first met Dr. Chakwas I thought for sure she’d be a romance option.
bioware didnt give us our medical gilf
Hey look, the comments section is filled with more “Starfield sucks” circle jerk.
Masters learn from other masters, after all. If you’re gonna be the best in the industry, might as well learn it from another best in the industry.
Nash, ME was legendary. This game cannot even come close to it
Got that same Mom energy
Obligatory: We’ll bang, ok?
Is she helping the big bad kidnap all the women?
Yeah they both have that dead look in their eyes. It’s uncanny actually.
Yeah, Tony Tony Chopper from One Piece would have reminded me of Dr. Chakwas, because they’re both ship medics. Except Dr. Chakwas didn’t exist as cute, shapeshifting pirate furbait who could actually fight in much of the same way Chopper could.
There’s only one Sarah Morgan and she’s bae! Don’t be talkin about my wife! 🤫
Doctor chocolates
Sarah is Chakwas but not nearly as cool or interesting.
Oh wow that crazy I didn’t think that at all, maybe I should make a post about my irrelevant opinion?
She fucking wishes she was Dr. Chakwas
Time to tell stories about Corporal Jenkins over a bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy.
No. They’re both women and they both have hair. That’s about all they have in common
Dr. Chocolates!
Thanks to gamerpoop I will only call her Dr Chocolates.
Shit. Now I can’t un-see it. Thanks.
Yeah, I can see it.
Except Mass effect characters actually had personalities.
Chakwas a better character
Well now I want to be able to drink her under the table and see what stories she tells on the way down.
Flat characters can’t be compared with godlike doctor chocolates! Still calibrating though
A lot of stuff about starfield reminded me of Andromeda. I went back and played Andromeda and despite it’s flaws and failure to live up to the mass effect brand I still found it far more fun and engaging. Except the faces, those were all around worse than starfield.
Physically? Sure. Personality? Nah, Chakwas had one. Morgan is a generic plank of code.
In what way? They look completely different, and Chakwas actually has a discernible personality.
Please, Dr Chocolates is a refined, sophisticated GILF of the highest order, Sarah Morgan is your Annoying Space Mum, always nagging me about picking stuff up.
🍆 💦😩