[Playboy Playmate June 1974](/r/Playboy/comments/uvebkz/sandy_johnson/) May 25, 2022 at 5:06 pm Reply
Judith Myers. She is the sister that got murdered in the original Halloween movie. May 25, 2022 at 5:28 pm Reply
I don’t comment on these pictures very often, but I feel compelled to say wow on this one. May 25, 2022 at 9:17 pm Reply
I was in college in 74. How in the hell was I not aware of this person? May 25, 2022 at 11:59 pm Reply
Anyone else creeped out by her very young looking face…? IK she had to be 18+ to be photographed nude but still.. may just not be my type lol May 26, 2022 at 1:04 am Reply
That’s exactly what happened when I saw your post while I was at the beach! May 26, 2022 at 1:49 am Reply
Oh good lord.
She looks a lot like a young Sally Field.
[Playboy Playmate June 1974](/r/Playboy/comments/uvebkz/sandy_johnson/)
I had a Sandy Johnson a couple of weeks ago at the beach.
Cowboy hat? What cowboy hat??
This reminds me a lot Christina Ricci in the face.
Judith Myers. She is the sister that got murdered in the original Halloween movie.
Face 10 body 10 that’s my weakness
I’m an old guy (62) and she’s right up my alley!
Sweet mother of mercy
I’d let her sand my Johnson… I’ll see myself out
If Jesse from toy story was a real person.
These always send me spiraling off into existential crisis
Old enough to be my mom but damn.
She can sand my Johnson anytime…
She sort of looks like Christina Richie here
She could handy my Johnson
Kinda looks like Christina Ricci to me here.
She seems…nice.
I don’t comment on these pictures very often, but I feel compelled to say wow on this one.
That top button holding on for dear life
I don’t know who Sandy Johnson is, but I’m a big fan.
Sweet Jesus..
That shirt is dieing.
Hey, my mom had a pair of those!
1974? Damn!
If Claire Danes were hot af
Wow wish mine sat that nicely!
Michael Myers sister from Halloween.
Well this could pass for 2022
I was in college in 74. How in the hell was I not aware of this person?
Back when people weren’t scared by pubic hair.
That’s a dangerous woman. Damn.
What’s not to like about her; She’s got, huge, tracks of land!
That’s a painful sounding name.
Anyone else creeped out by her very young looking face…?
IK she had to be 18+ to be photographed nude but still.. may just not be my type lol
Lord. Have mercy.
who the hell is sandy johnson?
She married Gritty Kitty!
That’s exactly what happened when I saw your post while I was at the beach!
She can Sand my Johnson