Sunday, March 9All That Matters

San Francisco Streets


  • Note: this documentary was filmed almost entirely in the Tenderloin vicinity and does not represent all of San Francisco. It insighfully highlights how tech companies, fentanyl, government policy and NIMBY types all contribute to the current state. Though it is tempting to reduce a problem to a simple statement, reality is always more complex, and this documentary does not hide it from the viewer.

  • $800 hundred a month for single occupancy rooms? for the homeless? how the fuck can these folks be excepted to get back on their feet when they need to spend over $800 for a single dilapidated room in a rundown city. insane

  • I’m only 90 seconds into the video- somebody is getting their car stolen and his instinct is to interview the victim in the act? I’m going to keep watching before I make final judgement but this feels like such a douche move

  • Stayed by the civic center earlier this year. I’ve never seen so many people doing drugs, dealing drugs, ODing on drugs as I had when I was there. It was surreal. I rarely felt in danger, though it was definitely more unsafe than I usually feel, didn’t see any shoplifting or carjackings though. It was not a fun experience and I’m questioning if I’m going to the same event next year just because how it felt like no matter where I was it’s just around the corner from interrupting someone dealing drugs.

  • Visited San Fran from the UK and stayed on the edge of the Tenderloin. Place was whack, didn’t really feel that threatened though.

    San Fran is a cool city though. Would like to go back.

    Ill have to watch this later, its long. Wonder if it will change my perspective of what i experienced.

  • I was shocked when I first saw San Francisco in 2011 during a conference. Being from Europe, I always thought SF was like NYC, just more accepting, more open, and friendly.

    Arrival: saw too many homeless camps.

    Day 2: saw homeless people fucking in the street.

    Day 3: waitress chased us down for not tipping (take-out).

    Day 4: homeless person followed me and my colleague into the apartment complex where we stayed.

    Day 5: we were reprimanded for letting a homeless person into the building.

    Day 6: the most amazing sushi I had ever eaten, for $800, overlooking a homeless veteran at the window.

    Day 7: landing back home in Amsterdam (NL), certain I would never return.

    Fast forward 9 years and I was living near SF, working as a software engineer, making close to $400k. My life felt good, except that I had a colleague who got into so much medical debt that they lost their home and had to live out of their big SUV.

    I rarely made it into SF, but when I did: Everything had gotten so much worse. So much worse.

    Then there’s Portland and so many other places that I saw, where things are comparable or worse.

    Where I live (Amsterdam, NL) we have this shit figured out. Homelessness is a choice. People get their shots of hospital-grade drugs by professionals and live honest lives with a home and often a family, too. We treat it as a disease that needs treatment.

    But… $800 USD for rent for otherwise homeless drug addicts? What the hell? Where do you think they’ll get the money from?

    Get them housing, get them voluntary lock-up and detox, get them daily free use of drugs to keep them functional (most don’t get the high anymore)…

    Like, holy shit, you’re doing everything wrong…

  • Listen, I was just in SF like, 2 days ago for 3 days. The entire city isn’t like this, and I was in the Castro, Chinatown, Wharf, Downtown, Delores, Little Italy. I didn’t go EVERYWHERE, but I was expecting to be tripping over homeless people and methheads the way the news is going. Now I was in town right after Biden, so maybe they cleaned the entire city up like a kid when his mom is coming home after a long weekend, but I doubt it.

  • I don’t live too far from there

    When I moved to SF I naively thought it was a less pretentious NYC or Boston. Boy, was I wrong

    The tech crowd is filled with pretentious pricks who don’t care about you unless you’ve got something to advance their career

    The NIMBYs will be like “oh we accept everyone!” With the caveat that they don’t accept anyone who could have an impact on their property values, will absolutely discriminate in housing, and want to eat up your entire salary in rent because in you don’t pay it, some moron from FAANG will throw more money at them to get the living accommodation. Prop 13 has also made it nearly impossible and incredibly expensive to own property and set roots here.

    Then there are people like London Breed and Dean Preston who parade around caring about the homeless while doing everything to advance the agenda of the coalition on homelessness. Don’t let the name fool you — their way entire purpose is to keep people on the streets so that the fat cats can continue to siphon money from government grants

    The city is gross. It’s fucking nasty here. I pay more in rent here than anywhere else I’ve ever lived and somehow it’s the most run down place I’ve ever lived. It’s impossible to live in this city without a high paying tech job or having been born to parents who bought their house here in the 80s for $10. I’ve seen people shitting, pissing, fucking, and shooting up in the streets. It smells filthier than New Orleans and somehow SF has more wealth than most cities.

    Everything is ridiculously fucking expensive. To deter shoplifting, stores are built like mazes and understaffed such that going to the grocery store without resorting to Instacart or something is the most unpleasant ordeal imaginable. There are very few places where you can go out to eat for less than $20 per person, and people are *really* adamant about tipping, to the point where I’ve been yelled at and confronted for not tipping on a fucking take out order.

    San Francisco needs a correction yesterday. This place is a libertarian nightmare. I don’t know how much longer I can live here… it’s just maddening making high wages and most of it being pissed away on things that just don’t add up. If I’m paying more than 2K in rent, I should expect to live in a really nice apartment. I pay 2,300, which is considered a deal, and it’s a complete shithole near the tenderloin.

    San Francisco deserves better leaders. This city is a complete mess.

  • It’s sad that this is a good video that thoroughly explores the plight of SF and many American cities when it comes to our housing crisis, government and police corruption, media propaganda, and corporate corruption, and half of this thread will not talk about any of it.

  • I’ve lived in the Bay Area for 42 years. San Francisco has always been mad unaffordable. I worked and attended college in San Francisco, but could never afford to live there and had to commute from Oakland. When I first thought about trying to get a job and an apartment in SF, I saw the rents and salaries available for my skillset and I deduced that it couldn’t happen. Or rather, let’s put it this way, if you want to live in SF, forget ever saving enough money to buy a house. Of course if you’re already rich or earn $175k/year, then you can live anywhere, including SF. But if you have a regular or average job, then you’re a third class citizen there.

  • So the policies of San Francisco are actually bad and the City is in full scale urban decay. While at the same time the City is a microcosm of America’s widening wealth inequality problem. The City considers the blind eye to crime and drugs Liberal, but is refusing to do the rehabilitation into Society that would help them. San Francisco simply doesn’t condemn the behavior. The problem of drugs and crimes is highlighted by its roots, everything is for sale. Fox uses the situation as fear-baiting against Democrats. YouTubers use it as a side hustle to sell footage paparazzi style.

    If your Conservative, there’s truth in that the City and its underbelly, are where something like the Church, Military Service, or some level of the discipline society requires to function, has to assert itself. There’s even truth to the necessity of Law and Order for a safe and functioning Society to effectively run itself. Why would a Family settle down, work and contribute to the economy, if their car windows get bashed in and radio stolen? No one here is winning. It doesn’t help, when the Liberal version of Fox News – which in my often wrong opinion, is, Celebrity tweeting – have people like Seth Rogan say, ‘its called living in a City.’ As if crime and the threat of violence are simply the price to be paid for urban living, and we should resign ourselves to it. Yet, more Liberal Countries, like Japan or Germany, maintain large Urban centers, with a quarter of the crime and violence of a San Francisco or Chicago.

    If your Democrat, you see the necessity of Public Services and a Safety Net, but can see how unfettered decriminalization is not a substitute to rehabilitation.

    It’s a worst of both worlds problem, it’s Liberalism wrapped in Anarcho-Capitalism, all worsened by 24/7 News Media getting their pound of flesh for voters and advertisers. FOX for instance isn’t actually concerned with helping San Francisco. It’s about convincing your average retiree, your 75 year old Grandma, that if you vote D, this is what happens. So, the ultimate tragedy is the continuing punishment of America’s terminal underclass. The Poor punished for being Poor.

    San Francisco has historically always been a City of Booms and Busts, though.

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