Samuel L. Jackson looking dapper during a recent photoshoot…
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Samuel L. Jackson looking dapper during a recent photoshoot…
View Reddit by StrangeAmbassador786 – View Source
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Hugo strange?
Even when the man is smiling, he scares the shit out of me!
‟Greetings motherfucker”
That chair tho.
Happy motherfucking birthday motherfucker
Damn straight, motherfucker!
That man looks like a ‘badass motherfucker’ no matter what what he wears
Don’t tell him what’s in your wallet it’s still not their business.
I honestly think this might be one of the happiest men in history.
This former militant Black Panther – who once participated in political kidnappings – has become one of the highest paid actors in the world and all the while has been beloved by the country that once would move mountains to discriminate against him and his own. What’s not to be happy about?
See? Everyone can look awesome as an old person when you have lots of money, personal trainers, personal tailors, personal stylists, personal chefs, etc.
It’s not difficult.
Man, when I saw him I pulp fiction, I thought he was one ugly motherfucker… now? He’s basically a hot, black, suit wearing, beard having, daddy!

Should play some past US president (on Netflix
Man, it really don’t crack
Really people ? Nobody sees that it’s AI generated ? Hahaha
What a dapper motherfucking fella.
Last night I saw OG Jurassic Park. It was released 30 yrs ago. This guy doesn’t age.
If 2016 is “recent” then yeah.
He looks great !
That’s some motherfucking style.
Where is that motherfucker Simba.
Its funny how “dapper” means brave in dutch, never know “dapper” in english stood for “well taken care of”. Everyday smarter.
This is just an advertisement
I showed this to the guy at men’s wearhouse and he said, “haha ok but realistically what do you want to look like”
Kevin Samuels L Jackson
Whats his wallet say?
is that a motherfuckin microfiber suit?
Not recent
The Super Suit
You know what his wallet says right?
Channeling his inner Hugo Strange.
I won’t get used to his beard
Mace Windu hiding his comeback.
Thanks to u/pSyChO_aSyLuM for linking the shoot. And credit to the photographer, specifically: [Tomo Brejc](https://www.tomobrejc.com/).
I’d still feel like he’s about to reveal that 20 years ago, when I littered a potato chip bag, his grandmother slipped on it and died and now he’s finally tracked me down for revenge.
I loved his performance in “The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey” . That was a role that needed to be portrayed.
All kudos to him.
Mother Fucker!!!
That is one damn fine looking chair.
* Smiles Mothafuckingly *
I love that he looks happy and is having fun. The man totally deserves it.
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He looks like he took home the red violin