Friday, March 7All That Matters

Samuel Benson, BYU 2023 Student Commencement speaker: “We need to show that whoever somebody is –whatever their color, creed, background, gender, sexual orientation– the Lord loves them. If we are serious about this whole idea of building Zion, we need to make room for everyone.”


Samuel Benson, BYU 2023 Student Commencement speaker: “We need to show that whoever somebody is –whatever their color, creed, background, gender, sexual orientation– the Lord loves them. If we are serious about this whole idea of building Zion, we need to make room for everyone.”


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  • it’s bewildering to me that someone with this viewpoint is still a member of the mormon church. this is a viewpoint that is doctrinally unsubstantiated (gender inequality at the very least, though of course there are thorough provisions against enfranchisement of LGBTQ+ individuals), particularly historically (extremely racist doctrinal history). buying the ‘well god will change their mind again’ bit is just insanity. the premise of updating doctrine to suit modern sensibilities has been explained in many ways. Best case, it’s marketed as a clarification, and then sometimes as a classic ‘this is for god to understand and you to obey,’ and finally, among a few others, a confusing ‘the earth was not ready’-style cop out. Which of course means that, best case, things are being made up loosely as they go along. And then, worst case, in their idea of heaven, the original doctrine will be upheld, meaning subjugation of ‘lesser’ races (slavery was unopposed, and initially posited as the result of a ‘curse’ on black people AND that black people would become ‘white in heaven’), polygamy, prohibition of baptism of children of LGBTQ+ parents (!!! was only changed in 2019), etc. The list goes on and on. I just cannot imagine how followers of a single, true, unchanging god could gloss over the ‘direct revelations’ and subsequent teachings of those very individuals who created this religion in the first place. If you genuinely feel a compassion and empathy, based in morality and equity, for individuals that your church and god have been so reluctant to include and support, how can you continue to stand in service of that religion?

  • Who is he preaching to?

    Mormons believe that their church is directed personally by Jesus Christ’s Communication with his elderly 12 apostles and their elected prophet.

    Is he hoping to get Jesus to be be more Christlike?

    Is Jesus. It giving this same direction to his apostles?

    Options A: they get no special revelation and can only hear their own homophobic, judgmental, thoughts.

    Option B: they get special revelation, but Christ condones their actions and teachings.

    Last time people tried to monetize a temple, Jesus started flipping tables. The pursuit of money by religious frauds upset him.

  • No amount of inclusivity will make this death cult more palatable. Sure they cant all be complete morons to believe in this fairy tail nonsense, but if you are one of those persecuted minorities and still believe, then without a doubt you are.

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