We pushed a girl down the hill in a sled and she had the same exact mid-air pose after she hit the ramp. Broken wrist. Funny as hell as teenagers, but is pretty messed up now that I think of it.
My Father-in-law and I had the bright idea to do something like this. My brother-in-law made kayaks and they ‘special’ build a couple to sledding. Well, our brilliant selves decided to take one of the 2 man snow kayaks to the biggest sledding hill in the metro area on New Years Eve and have some fun.
The 2 of us (me in my mid 20’s, he in his mid 40’s) lug this stupid thing up this giant hill, all the while kids and folks were looking at us and asking if we were going to ride it down the hill. I was always like ‘No way! We are dragging it up here just to let it go down on it’s own and then walk back down and fetch it again! (Here’s yer sign!)’
So we finally get to the top of the hill and we are acting like two 12 year olds. We load ourselves into the kayak and push off. Well, it felt like the scene in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation when he launches himself on the disc and does a million miles an hour. We are hurtling down the hill! All is well! Until it’s not. Unbeknownst to us, kids had build ramps way down the hill and we hit one. I fell out of the kayak, but my father-in-law was LAUNCHED out of the back and was left 50 yards behind me!
What a great time! Too fun! My FIL struggled to get up and I asked if we were going again? He waved me off and said his back hurt and he would wait at the car for me if I wanted to go again. I did go again and found a much safer path down the second time. Little did I know that my FIL had lost his keys somewhere out on the packed snow. He walked back over and found his keys and walked back by the time I did my second run.
Only then did I notice how much pain he was in. We drove home and he was in so much pain. We ended up spending New Years Eve in the ER. He had 2 or 3 crushed vertebrae and a broken back. WE HAVE NEVER LIVED THIS EVENT DOWN. Even my idiot brother in law who made the kayak specifically for sledding said we were stupid for trying it. Good times…
Shattered 8 ribs and my collarbone on my left side as a kid. 38yrs later and still dealing with the aftermath of those injuries because back in the 80’s parents and medical information sucked!
Call me an optimist but i thought she was going to pull off some sick move where she passed the sled over her head and then landed on it. My optimism let me down.
She was doomed regardless of her landing due to the fact that they picked a very very flat landing spot. Apparently these people want to destroy their spines and or other injuries.
Sledding is a lot of fun but if you’re going to make a jump like that at least make the appropriate landing with an angle so that you don’t crater.
Honestly how she landed probably saved her tailbone and back from months of agony.
Rag doll!
For a second I thought they were going to get the sled back under and stick the landing.
Love the slow mo lol
I can feel that landing. Ouch
That would be a ton of fun if there was actually some powder to land on. On ice, not so much.
Awesome, but was disappointed that the song “sail” wasn’t being played over the video.
My cousin broke his back that way
Oooooh that knee is going to ache
That is a majestic fall but please tell me she is alright lol
Full fucking send!
Yaaaaay, let’s do it again, but this time let’s soften the landing with broken glass
That’s how concussions are made. Send it.
Alexa, play John Mayer – Gravity
The agony of defeat. https://youtu.be/Vv368yWOSas?si=88jbF_ix38OkskTb
Funny…or Ouch, my hip is dislocated!!!
SLOW IT DOWN PEEWEE! oh lord he ded…
We pushed a girl down the hill in a sled and she had the same exact mid-air pose after she hit the ramp. Broken wrist. Funny as hell as teenagers, but is pretty messed up now that I think of it.
The Canadian space program! Making some good progress, eh!?
*record scratch freeze frame at 5 second mark:*
“You’re probably wondering how I got here.”
Yeah, fuck you, OP. [This is what you should’ve uploaded!](https://streamable.com/hzpk0a)
Or [at least this](https://streamable.com/w68z4v)
EDIT: the [people have spoken](https://streamable.com/qc5hbi)!
And that, kids, is the story about how mama broke her collar bone.
My Father-in-law and I had the bright idea to do something like this. My brother-in-law made kayaks and they ‘special’ build a couple to sledding. Well, our brilliant selves decided to take one of the 2 man snow kayaks to the biggest sledding hill in the metro area on New Years Eve and have some fun.
The 2 of us (me in my mid 20’s, he in his mid 40’s) lug this stupid thing up this giant hill, all the while kids and folks were looking at us and asking if we were going to ride it down the hill. I was always like ‘No way! We are dragging it up here just to let it go down on it’s own and then walk back down and fetch it again! (Here’s yer sign!)’
So we finally get to the top of the hill and we are acting like two 12 year olds. We load ourselves into the kayak and push off. Well, it felt like the scene in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation when he launches himself on the disc and does a million miles an hour. We are hurtling down the hill! All is well! Until it’s not. Unbeknownst to us, kids had build ramps way down the hill and we hit one. I fell out of the kayak, but my father-in-law was LAUNCHED out of the back and was left 50 yards behind me!
What a great time! Too fun! My FIL struggled to get up and I asked if we were going again? He waved me off and said his back hurt and he would wait at the car for me if I wanted to go again. I did go again and found a much safer path down the second time. Little did I know that my FIL had lost his keys somewhere out on the packed snow. He walked back over and found his keys and walked back by the time I did my second run.
Only then did I notice how much pain he was in. We drove home and he was in so much pain. We ended up spending New Years Eve in the ER. He had 2 or 3 crushed vertebrae and a broken back. WE HAVE NEVER LIVED THIS EVENT DOWN. Even my idiot brother in law who made the kayak specifically for sledding said we were stupid for trying it. Good times…
Woooo…. straight to Skyrim
Shattered 8 ribs and my collarbone on my left side as a kid. 38yrs later and still dealing with the aftermath of those injuries because back in the 80’s parents and medical information sucked!
That will be $95,000.
$5,000 ambulance
$20,000 radiology
$50,000 motrin
$1,000 physician consultation
$19,000 some other stuff.
For a second I thought she was doing a trick. Like lifting her slider above her head and sitting back down on it.
Call me an optimist but i thought she was going to pull off some sick move where she passed the sled over her head and then landed on it. My optimism let me down.
Remember kids–every sledding jump that lands doesn’t land you on a downward slope will land you in the ER.
Flat landing = concussion or broken bone.
Anyone else remember when you could bounce off shit with no problem instead of a wrong step in a shower layin you up for a week?
Bones be crunching.
And that, kids, is exactly how Daddy broke his collarbone in ‘84.
She was doomed regardless of her landing due to the fact that they picked a very very flat landing spot. Apparently these people want to destroy their spines and or other injuries.
Sledding is a lot of fun but if you’re going to make a jump like that at least make the appropriate landing with an angle so that you don’t crater.
Honestly how she landed probably saved her tailbone and back from months of agony.
Oh the joys of having a good back gone in 3, 2, 1. BAM!
Joy, excitement, commitment, contemplation, realization, terror. You get to witness the whole progression through he expression!