[RussoHockey] Marc-Andre Fleury wearing his Native American Heritage mask in warmups, despite earlier warning from NHL not to
#mnwild’s Marc-Andre Fleury wearing his Native American Heritage mask in warmups pic.twitter.com/HRyQkkR1uY
— Michael Russo (@RussoHockey) November 25, 2023
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This marks the second time an NHL player has defied the league’s new policy preventing players from using special equipment that exhibits support for special causes. Last month, Travis Dermott of the Arizona Coyotes wrapped his stick in rainbow tape to show support for the LGBT+ community on the Coyotes’ Pride Night. Earlier this season, Vegas Golden Knights goaltender Logan Thompson was [reportedly told he could not put a Hockey Fights Cancer ribbon on his helmet](https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/san-jose-sharks/news/source-golden-knights-goalie-not-allowed-to-put-cancer-ribbon-on-helmet), as part of this new policy.
For anyone unfamiliar with the tradition, prior to this season the entire team would wear specially designed uniforms for pre-game warmups (usually about five to ten minutes), which would then be auctioned off during or after the game, with the proceeds going to charities related to the social cause being represented. This new policy was implemented after the league was faced with multiple headlines about players opting out of wearing similarly-themed jerseys during warmups. Specifically, a small handful of players with strong religious convictions refusing to wear Pride-themed jerseys. The NHL decided the best way to deal with that blowback was to prevent teams from making any at all, regardless of cause.
According to the policy, players in violation are supposed to be fined, and those fines may extend to their parent club in some situations. Reportedly, the Wild were told that they would face a significant fine if they allowed Fleury to wear the mask.
Dermott was not fined when he violated the policy earlier this season, and in fact his defiance led to a partial repeal of the policy.
Good lad.
Good for him. Good for Hockey too.
Streisand Effect, in action.
Fuck yes!
If anyone else can reference their heritage, he can reference his wife’s heritage. Pretty simple.
Good on ya Flower! True Gent. 😎
For the land of the free there are dumb fucking rules.
Can’t wear certain masks even though nobody can really see it
Can’t celebrate touchdowns
Can’t taunt opponents
I can’t ‘ear what Gary say because I got mah three Stanley Cup rings pluggin’ my ears.
How does the NHL see anyway of coming out on top of this?
This whole thing is absurd. Someone pointed out in another sub earlier when he played for the hawks. His helmet had Native American feathers. Sick helmet, too. Why is this any different? This whole ban to appease a select group of snowflakes is ridiculous.
The league is trying to pull more fans while simultaneously pissing off its core base. I’ve stopped watching for a few reasons, mainly the fact that trying to watch all 82 games without hassle is a nightmare. Then you have this bull…
Good for him, fuck Bettman
Good for him!
Seethe and cope Gary bettman
Fuck Bettman the dickless wonder