Roommate feel asleep trying to cook some pasta, this is what i woke up to
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Roommate feel asleep trying to cook some pasta, this is what i woke up to
View Reddit by Nightrox_ – View Source
Not exactly funny; that’s how house fires get started. Your roommate is careless.
Your roommate almost made you homeless or worse killed you. Slap that idiot
Surprised the pan didn’t melt through and burn the house down
I had a roommate do that but it was with beans. I lived on the top floor and woke up to thick black smoke and fire alarms going off and he was passed out and didnt wake up until I yelled at him.
Whip his ass for almost burning the house down. This isn’t funny at all.
No smoke alarm?
wtf is that
I assume it burned prior to some water being put in?
Ah delicious swampghetti
You’re not supposed to boil pasta in coffee.
The fact it scorched it, but somehow there’s is water still left that didn’t evaporate makes my head hurt
Must have been some good weed
“The house almost burned down and I could have died. So funny! LOL!”
I feel like this might be the wrong sub. r/mildyinfuriating comes to mind
Just throw that whole damn pot away
That’s why you go to taco bell after the bar instead of try to cook.
A guy I know actually died this way. He came home and started to make some Mac n cheese and passed out. They found him the next morning with scratch marks all over his back because the dog, who also died, was trying to wake him up.
“Fell asleep” is code for “got too fucked up, came home and tried to make food but passed out before it was done.”
Pro tip: Next time go to White Castle.
How did it char with so much water still remaining? Lol
Had a buddy awaken by fireman while passed out drunk on the floor of his apartment w a burnt pizza in the oven
Pot scorched, water not evaporated, pasta not burnt to a crisp…
The science does not add up at all in this photo.
Did he/she nod off from heroin? Wtf?
Reminds me of the time an old roommate tried to sanitize their toothbrush during the lockdowns, then went and got high and forgot about the boiling water with toothbrush on the stove. The smell still haunts me.