Robert Patrick’s cameo in Wayne’s World
Robert Patrick’s cameo in Wayne’s World
by u/Seraphenigma in funny
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Robert Patrick’s cameo in Wayne’s World
Robert Patrick’s cameo in Wayne’s World
by u/Seraphenigma in funny
View Reddit by Seraphenigma – View Source
Is there some hidden meaning behind this scene?
EDIT: I’m watching Terminator 2 tonight
[Last Action Hero cameo…](https://youtu.be/PgQbIAbq_Mc?t=21)
Whenever there’s one of these posts that asks, “What actor nailed their part” or “Name a role that you can’t imagine any other actor playing,” I always say Robert Patrick as T1000 as a less obvious suggestion. He absolutely made that part his own.
I could immediately tell just from his walk, the absolute unit
Oh man, I did not get this joke when I was a kid, but this had me rolling just now.
I miss when Canada’s wonderland used to be Paramount Canada’s wonderland for the sole reason that this very car was on display there.
God I love this scene.
God what amazing movies, now I gotta rewatch both of them lol
Wayne’s World 2*
Since nobody else has mentioned it, the fact they got [Charlton Heston](https://youtu.be/6eWsFFQP0gA) as a cameo in Wayne’s World 2
That scene was shot right in front of Liberty Park in my hometown!
One kid was in Nine Inch Nails and founded Filter, and the his brother was the fucking T-1000.
That family was fucking talented.
.. when two of my favourite films collide.
Fun fact Robert’s brother Richard is also famous for touring as guitarist for Nine Inch Nails. He is the frontman for the rock band Filter and a founding member of the supergroups Army of Anyone and The Damning Well.
Blew my mind back then. Laughed so hard at this haha.
I was at Costco in the 90’s and both these movies were playing on different display screens. I happened to catch this scene when I walked by, and it always stuck with me
It’s looped in a way where in my head Wayne forgets about him and keeps getting pulled over haha
I miss this era of comedy.
I remember having to explain this one to my folks when we rented it. They seemed to really enjoy the rest of the movie though.
My mom laughed WAY to hard at the Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl joke. Makes me wonder if she knows something I don’t know.
😆 honestly forgot about this
I actually rented those two movies for the same night. Watched them in the wrong order so didn’t get the joke until after Terminator started. Ugh!
Ahh, back when Saturday Night Live was good, staffed with excellent writers and comedians, and produced great characters and sketches like Wayne’s World.
Makes me miss my Pinto —- SCHWIING !!!
I wish there would be more movies like this today
I actually asked Robert Patrick a question about this cameo at a convention last year. Apparently it was Lorne Michaels’ idea to add it in following T2’s release and so they approached Patrick to do it and changed the script to add it in. And Mike Myers was very against it, but eventually they managed to convince/force him to go with it.
Was he investigating an X file? /S
I think the T-1000 is the most cameo’d fictional character in film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VquJ6vPuhqY. Robert Patrick nailed it every time
Awesome part. He was also great in The Sopranos.
What car is this?
They ever say in a commentary track or something who the kid in the Polaroid is? The director? One of the EP’s? Mike’s? Patrick’s? No way it’s just a stock photo so there’s gotta be a backstory.
Always wanted to know who the person actually was in the Polaroid…don’t think it from T2. Was it like Mike Meyers?
First time I saw Terminator 2 was when I was about 13-14 in 1991 or 92. My older sister had a guy friend who was making good money in tech at the time and we went to his place to watch it on laserdisc. He had this giant movie screen that rolled down from the ceiling and he projected the movie onto that. Movie blew my mind. There was nothing like it at the time in terms of special effects.
I worked that entire summer and saved money abs bought a display model laserdisc player from a local audio/visual store – and of course bought T2 on laserdisc to go with it. Except it didn’t make as much of an impact on my 15 inch color tube tv in my bedroom 🙂 Luckily I didn’t realize that until years later.
Is he the cop from Terminator ?
A man with two first names should never be trusted.
They paid him enough to be menacing, but not enough to run.
How to make reddit remember their age.
He’s better as John Cena’s dad.
Still makes me LOL. These were two of my favorite movies when I was a kid.
Who knew the Pacer could move that fast