Roadrunner in my kitchen, waiting to see if Wile E. Coyote is coming through next
Roadrunner in my kitchen, waiting to see if Wile E. Coyote is coming through next
byu/JJolleyRoger infunny
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Have you checked anything heavy for the coyote?
If only the Coyote had ordered a window from ACME, then he would have caught that bastard bird.
Meep Meep.
Quick! Paint a hole!
They are easy to get rid of, you just need some black paint, a rubber band and an anvil.
Anyone see my earthquake pills?
Well I’m disappointed, that don’t look like the roadrunner in the cartoon at all…
Young one. Adults get much larger. Chalk this up as a learning experience for the little guy.
The coyote that helped me get through the border in Tijuana, his name is William, if that helps
[15 seconds later….](https://media.tenor.com/eEs1jRy5UXgAAAAC/house-explosion.gif)
You finally did it 🥹
meep meep!
Such cool birds. So closer to raptors tan most other species.
Lucky man
Went to open the window, turned it the wrong way. Just like I do every single time.
Meep Meep !!
Now look for the box from ACME delivered to your porch.
You don’t have screens? How do you keep the bugs out?