Monday, March 17All That Matters

Road rage dude changed his mind


  • I had someone road rage at me a few years ago. For honestly no reason. He wanted to get into my lane and traffic was gridlocked – he wanted to defy physics by occupying the same space as my car.

    When he got out of his car, I was terrified and did the only thing I could think of, same as here, I video’d it. He seemed like he wanted to tear apart my car with his bare hands. The moment I started obviously filming with my phone, he backed off (though his passenger did throw a milkshake at my windshield).

    Filming stuff like this seems like a decent way to keep you somewhat safer.

  • One time I was getting off an exit in a highway. The other road it merged to wasn’t visible while exiting but soon I realized the road was completely blocked due to traffic. Since I had just taken the exit I realized I could get back in the highway and take a different exit but then another car came behind me. I got off and told the car, “Hey man, the road is completely blocked bumper to bumper, I think it’s best if we just back off and get back to the highway we came from.”

    His response, “Are you an idiot?”

    I raged, blood boiled and all. But then i thought about it- this dude is actually right. What I was about to do would’ve been not just a traffic violation but also jeopardize everyone. That perspective calmed me down and I just shrugged and went back to the car. I waited for an hour getting out the road but I didn’t blame the guy.

    Sometimes we only see things from one perspective and it helps to consider other perspectives. Also, when you realize you’re wrong, gotta let go. Getting out of your car to argue with someone is never right.

  • I like this one sometime there is a cop when you want one. I remember any years age a driver was cutting off cars changeling lanes; when all of a sudden he cut off a cop car that then put his lights on

  • Had a woman rage of the road on me as well… apparently I could magically make people in front of me go faster! I mentally tried “go faster people!” Didn’t work to my disappointment. I could see her frustration in her haggard face while inhaling one of those insanely long old lady cigarettes. Screaming something? I bet it cheerful and prayer like. Well the traffic finally got up to speed the nun behind me zipped by my side did a few swerves my direction to say hi. Probably a greeting she learned while driving under the influence of the church wine. And floored it waving goodbye with you’re #1 with her middle finger…. wonder how she’s doing

  • Kinda reminds me of this one time I was leaving a gas station. Me and another person pulled up to the exit at the same time and I swear this dude looked like he was trying to out-barking an angry chihuahua. We both stop and I was just dead ass starting at this guy while he was going off and the moment he rolled down his window to “kindly discuss” why he should go first, I straight up pulled forward and rolled out onto the street. I was able to get a glimpse of his deflated face as I left.

  • I had a situation when one guy, while slowly driving, out of rage spit on my driver’s window. He got so mad because I didn’t want to lower my window so he could tell me whatever he wanted over some stupid mistake at an intersection. By instinct, I avoided his fluids in my face.

  • I’ve had three road rage incidents in my life:

    – One, it was a T-junction. I’m on the main road going straight, he was on the side-road and has to give way to me. Both roads were narrow urban streets with cars parked on them.

    He wants to turn my way, I just want to carry on going straight. He pulls out into the road (thus blocking me) but can’t go anywhere because the parked cars mean we can’t pass each other (and that’s not interpretation, there was literally only room for one car). So he just stays there, half across the road.

    By now, other cars have built up behind me, so I can’t reverse. All he has to do is reverse back into the empty side road, problem solved. Instead he stares us out for several minutes, then mounts the pavement, drives behind the parked cars at about 2mph (because it’s too tight to judge). I shake my head at him as he drives past, then I can move forward and I’m on my way.

    Same guy then apparently turned around, drove back to find us and followed us down the road beeping and flashing. Girlfriend in the passenger seat was freaking out until I said “What’s he going to do if he gets out? I’m driving a ton of metal, I’ll just drive over him and then straight to a police station.” He got bored when I hadn’t bothered to concede after about half a mile, when I turned left and that was taking him further out of his way (i.e. heading back to where he had come from). Swearing out the window as he passed me, he turned right and… instantly got stuck in a traffic jam I was avoiding.

    – Two, I was driving down a road and another road gently merged from the left. We came to a stop because of traffic, and I’d passed the last point where you could merge anyway. Road ended, kerb came up, grass verge beyond it and beside me. Guy sped down the empty merge lane, then decided to drive up a grass bank, and cut into the queue in order to cut in front of me. Just raised my hands in a wtf.

    Guy gets out of his car, starts swearing and shouting and ranting and threatening. Traffic clears in this time (that’s how impatient he was) so it’s just him holding up the entire line of traffic.

    Starts making threatening motions to me and approaching the car. So I wave my fingers pointedly at the dashcam centre of my windscreen. Still screaming and yelling, he backs off, gets back in his car, zooms off at ridiculous speed, cuts up three people at a roundabout just a few hundred yards in front and nearly wipes out trying to avoid them.

    – Three, was quite recently. Following behind a guy on a small country road. He’s obviously not paying attention to the signs and we’re still doing 20mph in a 50mph straight empty road. I’m behind him but not close behind him – it’s 20mph anyway, so braking distances are tiny, but nothing threatening or pushing (we get a lot of old farm vehicles and little old ladies).

    All of a sudden, he slams his brakes on (and does it three times… each time I come to a stop, but he keeps on rolling). Then stops on a blind corner, gets out and approaches the car. Starts screaming and shouting and asking me what my problem is.

    “I don’t know about me, mate, but you’re doing 20 in a 50.”

    Sudden look of realisation on his face, and then tells me he couldn’t give a shit, gets back in his car and – for the first time in about 3 miles, zooms off at 70mph. Including later on into a town that had a 20mph limit.

    I call that one the “I’ve been demasculated by a nerd” tantrum, where to save face they just want to get away as fast as possible.

    Thing is, I am a total nerd. There would be no cred in actually harming me. I’m not looking for a fight, by any means. And in fact when they see me and realise that, they tend to back off because they realise it’d be like hitting a woman, in glasses, while their back’s turned.

    On at least one of those occasions, though, there were three black belts in the car.

    On all three occasions I’d have given anything for either a) them to start a fight or b) there to be a policeman in the car behind.

  • I get road raged from time to time, it’s always older short men. They usually do a cringey retreat when I exit my vehicle. (I’m a bit tall and scarred). The raving and ranting they do seems unbalanced, like a spoiled child tantrum.

  • Happened to me and friends. Scooping the loop in the 60’s and we had a car following us. Our driver turned into an alley and they followed. I rolled down my window and flipped them off. Flashing lights. Shit.

    Not nearly as scary as the Secret Service run in we had though.

  • Not to condone the road rage person but these dash cam videos never show what started it and quit often when they do the person with the dash cam isn’t as innocent as they make out

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