Saturday, February 15All That Matters

rizz up the victim


  • I lost (got separated from) my daughter in a haunted house, the character stopped, asked what she was wearing, etc, then when we found her, he was right back into character, and it was pretty awesome.

  • My box of cinnamon apple donuts wasn’t closing properly in a haunted house and I paused while the monster man chased all my friends. When he came back he helped me try to fix the broken donut box and a couple friends came back to find me looking confused at us standing together.

  • Jokes aside…as cliche as it is that IS how brains work in panic mode.

    It’s why one of the most important things in a genuinely dangerous situation is just keeping your head
    The moment you panic, you fuck up

    This is true outside of horror situations aswell, staying calm is important for things like accidents, finding people or things even mundane things like working calmly doing it greatly helps

    A levelhead is an asset without equal

  • That’s why building codes requires doors that swings outwards in a path of egress (most of the time).

    Because in moments of panic, all common sense goes out and something as simple as pulling instead of pushing doesn’t always come to mind in this state.

  • This is a perfect representation of why doors of public buildings have to open outwards, so they’re always “push” to get outside.

    Except less about a monster chasing you and more about a fire.

  • Reminds me of going through a haunted corn maze like 20 years ago back in Canada and a bunch of scary people started chasing us and leather face popped out of the corn and I accidentally hugged him instead of my dad and the guy pretending to be leather face picked me up and whispered you “wrong guy bud” and handed me back to my dad. Then went back to revving the chainsaw

  • Was part of the crew in a hunted house and they had an Aliens themed room that was real well made up like the Alien den with the eggs opening, slime, smoke machine, and people hung up with either an open chest or incubating. I was one of the ones incubating.

    Had a place to put my head through and an arm with the rest of my body and other arm being fake. There was a hole in my chest where I could stick a squirt gun made up like a baby Alien to burst out of my chest. The end of the hunted house was in site with a floor to celling glass window to the outside. You had to turn to get to the exit door. Group walks by, a few of the others scare the people up front but I wait, I wait for that last person, the person who stays at the end to not be the one to get jump scared. That person.

    She is walking by, admiring the bodies, and with perfect timing I scream “You got to help me!” as I burst the Alien head out of my chest and squirt her in the face. This lady screams, runs full speed into the floor to celling glass window and knocks herself out.

    Best Halloween ever!

  • This is like how in Scream Sidney makes fun of girls in horror movies who “run up the stairs instead of out the front door” and then immediately runs up the stairs when she’s being attacked lol.

  • There is a reason U.S. building code requires business doors to open out. Hundreds of people burned alive when they couldn’t open the inward swinging doors, no joke, there was a specific incident of this.

  • In high-school I was in the theater department. During Halloween a local haunted house let us take over for a weekend and we’d get like 75% of the profits donated to our funds.

    I got to be the chainsaw killer near the start of the house and my job was up help push everyone into the next room. It was great!

    Edited for story

    One night I saw a friend in the crowd through the window I jump through. She screamed bloody murder and did the whole backwards crawl and cornered herself right at the exit to the next area. Had to break character and calm her down so she could go on.

    Fun times!

  • This happens all the time. I was playing a mad doctor, and we had a doorknob (affixed with like 8 screws because they kept ripping it off) that went to a fake door. Folks tried hard to escape until I show them them the bookcase that slides out. But some of them don’t want to look at me (I’m scurry), so I end up having to break character to go “hey man, check it.”

    “Oh thanks!”

    “Sure, have a fun-GET OUT OF HERE!! BAAAAHHHH!!!!”


  • I remember the first time we went to a horror house, there were 5 girls and two guys, including me.

    They all decided that one guy will walk in front and the other in the back and all the girls in between to protect them.

    Now I was feeling scared too but I didn’t want to admit it so I agreed.

    It turned out to be fairly cartoony though but the girl walking immediately in front of me was so scared she just closed her eyes and kept walking forward.

    Just before the exit, she literally ran head first into a guy wearing a monster costume. She screamed and started running left and right freaking the fuck out continuously asking “Where’s the exit where’s the exit”.

    The poor guy must’ve felt bad for her because he said in full character, completely in a deep voice “LEFFFT”

    As she almost ran through the door outside I doubled up from laughter and I could swear he gave me a thumbs up on the way out.


  • Every time I think about haunted places that you pay to go to, I think about this haunted trail I went on. Pretty good trail, pretty scary. Also a little crowded, just a line of people no more than two by two. In between “buildings” on the trail, I see I figure sprinting through the woods. As they get closer I begin to notice they are furry and red. I notice it’s Elmo! I’m confused. Elmo makes it to the line of people and, in a split second, picks up a small child and continues sprinting through the woods. I still have no idea what actually happened there

  • I took my daughter through a very mild “spooky house” last year. But it was enough to scare the shit out of her. The guy with the clown mask actually came up to us, with his mask off, just so that she could see it wasn’t anything scary.

    Very cool high school kid who was just acting exactly how I would want my son to treat the situation as well.

  • Short story time.

    I was at a haunted house this weekend. It was in one of the sections where everything is pitch black and you have to just feel your way around. I was following behind my friend and at some point he just stops. I am waiting for him to continue on and am unsure why he isn’t moving.

    There was a turn that I missed, and I am just sitting there in front of a wall, thinking that the fabric covering the wall was their shirt.

    One of the workers eventually said, “There is a turn to your left dude.”

    I fully understand the stupidity in horror movies now.

  • I played Jason Vorhees at our volunteer fire departments haunted house a few years ago, complete with the hockey mask and 20″ chainsaw (chain removed for safety). I waited until this one group was entirely in the maze and I fired that thing up and I scared this one high school girl so badly that she started to pee her pants. She dropped to the ground, was sobbing, was basically in a puddle on the floor. I felt so bad for her that I shut off the saw, took my mask of and walked her through the rest of the haunted house.

    I told her I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her and I even told her when and where our “creepers” were supposed to pop out and scare people. She latched on to my arm and dug her claws in so deep that she drew blood through a flannel shirt and a pair of long johns.

    We still laugh about that whenever we talk about fund raising ideas.

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