Crazy there are tons of people who can nail the voices and they somehow still fucked it up. The guy who does Rick can do one part of his voice and anything outside of it breaks it when watching.
Granted, I didn’t fully finish season 6 yet, only a couple episodes left though.
But isn’t Jessica a “fucking time god” now. Did they just retcon that or is it really not that serious? I didn’t expect to see her and Morty on another date, after the last one.
Are these the new voice actors?
They sound.. kind of lame 😭
I hate the new voices
I actually like Morty’s voice a lot better but man Rick is just not the same. Pretty bad actually
Crazy there are tons of people who can nail the voices and they somehow still fucked it up. The guy who does Rick can do one part of his voice and anything outside of it breaks it when watching.
Ricks voice is less raspy and deeper. There was an element of an old man in the old voice that this one is missing
Everyone is commenting on the voices, instead of the content of the clip. I think it’s fucking hilarious.
I appreciate that rick isn’t belching every two words now
This bit was brilliant, I loved this episode.
very funny scene
“what? Like guns that fire shot?”
Reading some of these comments, I feel’ like I’m being gaslighted. I literally couldn’t tell the difference between the new voices and the old ones.
*Bites deeply in to apple*
Lmao that’s actually pretty good. By the 3rd gun you are sure you know what is gonna happen and then nope ahahah
Easily the best episode of the season
This episode was really good
Man, the writing is family guy tier now. And not golden age family guy. Lazy season 10 family guy.
How is ‘Rick and Morty’ — “This is a gun.” in the News feed? It’s not even a fucking proper headline. Smooth brain algorithm.
Got a good laugh out of this.
The show unfortunately lost me over time with all the continuity, but glad it’s still got laughs in it.
Granted, I didn’t fully finish season 6 yet, only a couple episodes left though.
But isn’t Jessica a “fucking time god” now. Did they just retcon that or is it really not that serious? I didn’t expect to see her and Morty on another date, after the last one.
Just finished watching this episode. Pretty good.
Feel like the episodes are getting better as the season progresses.
I liked the gag at the end where Morty is like “oh sweet a gun!” (something along those lines) in the car.
This season has been great