Retro novella-style new poster for “Spin Me Round” (starring Alison Brie, Alessandro Nivola, Aubrey Plaza, Molly Shannon; releasing Aug 19)
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Retro novella-style new poster for “Spin Me Round” (starring Alison Brie, Alessandro Nivola, Aubrey Plaza, Molly Shannon; releasing Aug 19)
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Oh shit, amazing poster! I’m loving the style (and no floating heads!)
The side-eye on Alison looks kinda weird but definitely there to indicate that not all is right in this hunky-dory romance
I really like this poster. It’s got some character to it as opposed to many of the recent modern ones that feel very sterile.
It looks like the cover to one those paperback romance novels that made Fabio rich. Pretty clever.
Oh, so this would be the movie where the cast was having dinner after hours shooting the shit and Tim Heidekker told Alessandro Nivola he thought The Many Saints of Newark looked terrible, without realizing AN was the lead in it.
More posters like this please!
We try not to sexualize Annie around here
Holy cow, this really reminds me of [the anniversary card I made for my wife](https://i.imgur.com/0isXH7Z.jpg). Anyone wanna write a screenplay??
Tim Heidecker!!!
Like a record, baby, right ’round, ’round, ’round.
Oooh i love this poster!
Brilliant poster.
That looks like a young Nicholas cage
The Little Hours is such a little weird fun movie, looking forward to whatever his brain cooks up
zach woods is hilarious
Romancing the Stone / Jewel of the Nile vibes.
Actually a great poster, and far different from the floating heads and horrendous photoshop jobs we usually get.
saw this at sxsw, it was a wild ride. basically feels like it’s hopping genres every 20m. pretty enjoyable overall though, and the two or three funniest scenes are absolutely fucking hilarious
For a moment I thought that was Nicholas Cage
I know nothing about this movie but this is a fun poster. It’s nice to see something different.
The poster features “The Clinch” which is tradition for Romance Novels. Also the overall color theme and elements on the cover of novels are like a code on what subgenre of romance it is.
some sources
[podcast] (https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-clinch/)
I had to do a triple take. I was like wait what horny ass subreddit did i join now
Alison Brie & Molly Shannon were amazing together in Horse Girl.
[Trailer here](https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1983758873/?playlistId=tt14596320&ref_=vp_rv_ap_0)
Alison Brie and Aubrey Plaza?
Well, now.