I love how the original games were so good I didnt even care how shitty the models were, even when I play them now everything else grabs my attention more.
Resident Evil is an interesting franchise, their main character are all those larger than life heroes that look like came right outta of an anime, and then you have the other main character Ethan.
I want Rebecca to her get own game again, she’s my second favorite RE character. Her cute optimism was charming in RE:0 and it’d be cool to pick up the story with her again when she’s older and a little more seasoned with Umbrellas shenanigans.
Also she’s the only one who hasn’t proven to be an immortal super soldier at this point as well. And that makes her inherently more interesting IMO.
Her new style and character model are actually really cool too.
Death Island was a fun movie. Would love for RE9 to feature them all
“Barry. Where’s Barry?”
The remakes really did the justice. No one could complain
I can never get past the hair. Are these guys going to fallout boy concerts and then the salon right before they go fight the horrors of hell?
IMO would be better if they used RE 1 Jill instead of her RE3 model.
I like Chris Redfield from RE5.
Leon is still king
Bro is holding wood and trying to play it off as he had a gun
Damn, talk about a Glow Up.
they kinda washed out all the hair.
Rebecca’s a “main 5”? And not Barry?
Give Chris back the leg from a table damn it
I’m ready for another RE Avengers team up game.
Leon, Claire, Chris, Jill and…???
Where’s Tofu?
I love how the original games were so good I didnt even care how shitty the models were, even when I play them now everything else grabs my attention more.
Legendary series made even moreso by the remakes.
Resident Evil is an interesting franchise, their main character are all those larger than life heroes that look like came right outta of an anime, and then you have the other main character Ethan.
Rebecca really isn’t a main character
Imagine if they stuck to one look for Chris. Poor guy is unrecognizable from game to game
They gave Chris a wooden weapon.
I think Ada got a nose job
I’ll always find that blue tube top as funny, as a zombie fighting outfit.
Rebecca needs a game.
Wallpaper links
Jill’s RE3 remake model looks weird when paired with the old models of the other characters. I prefer the look of Leon and Claire in the remake.
Aint this from the latest RE movie?
Rebecca no longer looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.
Where’s my Boi whesker jr.
Hunk has been playable in more games than Rebecca. Heck even Sherry has as many games playable as Rebecca.
Why does he have an M16 instead of a pump action shotgun?
I want Rebecca to her get own game again, she’s my second favorite RE character. Her cute optimism was charming in RE:0 and it’d be cool to pick up the story with her again when she’s older and a little more seasoned with Umbrellas shenanigans.
Also she’s the only one who hasn’t proven to be an immortal super soldier at this point as well. And that makes her inherently more interesting IMO.
Her new style and character model are actually really cool too.
Rebecca for RE9 main lead, upvote if you agree.
Jill was my first female hero in a video game
Big Change, I see
,You know technology is advancing at a fast pace
We’ll see even more difference in up coming years
Rockstar should take notes
The handmaid tale
I wonder how they will look 20 years from now.
Real heroes never get old, like Jared Leto 😃
I would say, in another 10 years, Jill would look more real than my gf.
But she already looked more real during the original RE3.
Claire model in the movie are way better than RE2, hope they use it in future RE
Lol, I would call this costing of my GTX
Ah they grow so fast
Why is Barry missing? I cri.
What’s going on with Leon’s neck/head in the second imagine though O.o
Somewhat, I remember “then” as it was “now”
The low polygon era never gets old.
After watching Death Island, I’m convinced this team could actually give Doom Guy a run for his money for like, a hot minute, at least