Resident Evil | Official Teaser | Netflix
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Resident Evil | Official Teaser | Netflix
View Reddit by Turbostrider27 – View Source
Some good visuals in the second half of the teaser, but who the fuck are these characters?
Still surprised no one has pitched an RE4 style reboot that doesn’t do zombies.
Please I’m begging you just stop making resident evil adaptations that don’t look like resident evil
Why does Netflix buy the rights to adapt something and then choose not to actually adapt the material?
they keep going for the end of the world zombie apocalipse trope, when in the games the zombie outbreaks are always contained to a specific location. At this point I dont think we will ever get a decent adaptation.
Cinematography is better than expected. The leaked script was godawful. Pure CW teen melodrama.
Why do they always makes adaptions that never seem anything like the actual source material? Is this really the best they can do with RE?
Fool me once Resident Evil, shame on you.
Fool me, at this point, somewhere between 30 and 45 times, shame on me.
They keep making crap like that and wonder why people aren’t paying to see it.
Sees Resident Evil name.
Watches trailer.
*Homer Simpson backs into the ivy.*
*look how they massacred my boy*
Why can’t they make a movie with the same vibes as Village/RE7?
Every new Resident Evil adaptation only makes the one before look even better.
Nah, I’ll just watch somebody play the game on YouTube
No thanks.
Looks like utter trash.
Man yet another resident evil movie that looks nothing like resident evil and seemingly no RE characters lol.
Oh my, oh my. I have a feeling this is gonna get axed after 1 season.
46523rd time’s the charm, right?
All I’ve ever wanted from a Resident Evil show or movie is Chris, Claire, Barry and Wesker running around in a spooky mansion full of monsters. Is that really too much to ask?
This looks fucking terrible.
Someone is terrified of losing streaming rights of The Walking Dead
Can we just have something true to the source material, for the love of god
I don’t understand how it’s so hard for Hollywood to just make a movie that follows the source material.
Look at Sonic and see how it’s done.
They have Sonic, Robotnik, Knuckles, and Tails.
All RE needs is Leon, Claire, Jill, Barry, Chris and Wesker. Some combination of them, and that’s it. You’re golden.
I mean, is it going to actually be any good? Not likely. Am I going to watch it for the zombie horror and violence? Absolutely.
> Project Wesker was intended to develop an advanced race of human beings. Albert Wesker has pale white skin, blonde hair, and blue/green eyes. This invokes parallels with Hilter and the nazi rhetoric.
Casts Lance Riddick…
Resident Evil is like the only zombie franchise that doesn’t take place during an apocalypse, the heroes always manage to contain the outbreak. Why in the fuck they decided to make this a zombie apocalypse is beyond me.
The only difference between CW and Netflix is that you pay for Netflix.
Another shitty take. Why do modern writers and directors suck so damn much?
Ahh shit, here we go again.
Not a fan of these teen-centric horror movies.
Fuck Netflix
Yeah still not renewing my Netflix sub
Their only hope is Stranger Things 4, nothing else in their current catalogue can have any hope of saving the absolute corporate trash fire that Netflix has ended up becoming.
As for the show, it looks terrible. Same RE action shlock filled with nobodies that we’ve gotten for 2 decades at this point from Hollywood. Fans have clamoured for a REAL adaptation of RE for that time, so Netflix decides in its infinite dying wisdom to do the thing everyone doesn’t want in the hopes it’ll keep the lights on?
Pass. I get more value out of Discovery+/Disney than I ever did out of Netflix. And the two of them combined costs LESS than the “Standard” Netflix package of 2 HD Screens…tf mate.
Did anybody ask for this..?
Knowing Netflix, those bastards are going to give the zombies 30 mins of screentime cross the 10, 1 hour, episodes and fill the rest of the show with pointless drama dragged through stupid decisions…
The problem with video game adaptations is, as always, producers and writers trying to take an IP and put their own dumb ass spin on it to show how creative they are and how accessible they can make something. The guy who made this for Netflix said himself “this is different from the game and the movies, the games are our backstory” lmao he talks about visiting things in the games in “season 5” like yeah buddy you’re very optimistic you’re even getting a season 2 or 3
I always say it’s easy to make a video game adaptation, you just have to give fans what they want, but Hollywood doesn’t care about that, like this guy actually thinks he’s trailblazing new ground by telling a zombie apocalypse from before and after the outbreak, my brother in Christ you are not the first one to think of that
Can’t get over what they did to Wesker, no matter how much I like the actor.